Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [请求] 借了student loan读完书,现要回国,怎么处理还loan的问题?
The NDP on Education:High Tuition and Student Debt are Not Inevitable
Most industrialized countries offer grants to students in need - but not Canada. Thirteen countries in Europe have no tuition and some American states are cutting tuition. Think how much better we could do.
- Jack Layton
Education is more important today than ever, yet Canada is going backwards while most of the developed world is investing in education. Funding has been cut and tuition is spiralling in most provinces. Average student debt is larger than the per capita national debt. To make up for the gaps in public funding, universities are forced to let more corporations control research.
The Liberals claim nothing can be done to keep education public and make it affordable. But, student debt and high tuition aren't inevitable - they are choices made by governments with the wrong priorities.
The Liberal government gave the student loan programme to the big banks. After the program failed, they took the program back and compensated the banks with millions of dollars. The Liberals chose funding for banks over funding for students.
New Democrats choose lower tuition, interest-free student loans and a ban on private, for-profit universities. Affordable education and public research in the public interest are part of a better Canada.
The Facts:
Average university tuition is over $3,300 a year - 126% higher than in 1990.
Average student debt in Canada has more than doubled since the Liberals took office in 1993. It now stands at $28,000.
In 1993, 9.57% of university revenues came from the government. In 1998-99, the Liberals' share dropped to 8.31%.
27 out of 29 OECD countries offer a national system of grants. Only Canada and Japan do not.
Only 7% of students are eligible for the Liberal government's Millenium Scholarship Fund, and any scholarships they receive are taxed.
From 1993-94 to 2000-01, the government cut an estimated $5.2 billion out of intergovernmental cash transfers for education.
72% of all new jobs in Canada will require a degree or diploma, but costly tuition prevents kids from working families from attending post-secondary school.
最初由 smartrabbit 发布
The NDP on Education:High Tuition and Student Debt are Not Inevitable
Most industrialized countries offer grants to students in need - but not Canada. Thirteen countries in Europe have no tuition and some American states are cutting tuition. Think how much better we could do.
- Jack Layton
Education is more important today than ever, yet Canada is going backwards while most of the developed world is investing in education. Funding has been cut and tuition is spiralling in most provinces. Average student debt is larger than the per capita national debt. To make up for the gaps in public funding, universities are forced to let more corporations control research.
The Liberals claim nothing can be done to keep education public and make it affordable. But, student debt and high tuition aren't inevitable - they are choices made by governments with the wrong priorities.
The Liberal government gave the student loan programme to the big banks. After the program failed, they took the program back and compensated the banks with millions of dollars. The Liberals chose funding for banks over funding for students.
New Democrats choose lower tuition, interest-free student loans and a ban on private, for-profit universities. Affordable education and public research in the public interest are part of a better Canada.
The Facts:
Average university tuition is over $3,300 a year - 126% higher than in 1990.
Average student debt in Canada has more than doubled since the Liberals took office in 1993. It now stands at $28,000.
In 1993, 9.57% of university revenues came from the government. In 1998-99, the Liberals' share dropped to 8.31%.
27 out of 29 OECD countries offer a national system of grants. Only Canada and Japan do not.
Only 7% of students are eligible for the Liberal government's Millenium Scholarship Fund, and any scholarships they receive are taxed.
From 1993-94 to 2000-01, the government cut an estimated $5.2 billion out of intergovernmental cash transfers for education.
72% of all new jobs in Canada will require a degree or diploma, but costly tuition prevents kids from working families from attending post-secondary school.