
最初由 丫丫 发布

你怎么知道他们的家具从质量和价钱上帮你省了50刀>? 你那什么来做标准? 市场最低价? 我看到有家卖油漆的店里面的木制办公家具比costco好, 不是哪些cheap烂板拼凑成的。价钱比其他家具店便宜的多。 两年没利息月付几十刀。。这些costco都没有, 至少刀刀都要被它先砍, my suggestion>>> shopping around.
Well worth it if you care about quality & service

Have you seen any commercial or flyers from Costco? Never! Then why most of the time Costco is so crowded with all those people who pay $50+GST every year to shop there? And often they leave with their carts fully loaded? That explaines everything.........Also something else to bear in mind, typical Canadian family doesn't go much beyond a couple and one or two kids, no in-laws or parents included. And yet they still consume enough grocery to make shopping at Costco worth it.

As to what to buy at Costco, yes, milk and eggs are their traditional "cheap" items, but other shops are promoting milk/eggs at very competitive price. Shoppers still go to Costco.

When you have little kids at home, Costco is a good place to shop for anything going into their lunchboxs and after school readings. For adults, frozen food (e.g., easy-peel shrimps, cheese, cereal, meat, bread) are of top quality for the price. And the books at the Costco are often very good, useful and cheap. Only I am not impressed with their clothing selection. But who buys clothing from Costco anyways. And there is a often neglected section of home decoration, tablewares, coffee mugs, are of super quality.

What's missing from Costco is probably their marketing strategy......if they had marketed well enough, people won't be asking this kind of question, "is it worth to get a membercard".

Or well, what do I know about marketing. No marketing is one kind of marketing strategy too. Costco doesn't seem to need one.
Re: Well worth it if you care about quality & service

最初由 scoobydoo 发布
Have you seen any commercial or flyers from Costco? Never! Then why most of the time Costco is so crowded with all those people who pay $50+GST every year to shop there? And often they leave with their carts fully loaded? That explaines everything.........Also something else to bear in mind, typical Canadian family doesn't go much beyond a couple and one or two kids, no in-laws or parents included. And yet they still consume enough grocery to make shopping at Costco worth it.

As to what to buy at Costco, yes, milk and eggs are their traditional "cheap" items, but other shops are promoting milk/eggs at very competitive price. Shoppers still go to Costco.

When you have little kids at home, Costco is a good place to shop for anything going into their lunchboxs and after school readings. For adults, frozen food (e.g., easy-peel shrimps, cheese, cereal, meat, bread) are of top quality for the price. And the books at the Costco are often very good, useful and cheap. Only I am not impressed with their clothing selection. But who buys clothing from Costco anyways. And there is a often neglected section of home decoration, tablewares, coffee mugs, are of super quality.

What's missing from Costco is probably their marketing strategy......if they had marketed well enough, people won't be asking this kind of question, "is it worth to get a membercard".

Or well, what do I know about marketing. No marketing is one kind of marketing strategy too. Costco doesn't seem to need one.

您已经中毒很深了, 每天吃着哪些并不便宜的container unhealth food,还乐得屁颠式的在这里宣传。。从你个人的例子就足以证明costco的marketing的成功了。
还有需要提醒你的, 成功的销售不代表他们的服务和产品受益与consumers!麦当佬就是个很好的例子, 他们的market target就是小孩,给玩具建乐园,小孩一去大人也去, 小孩长大了记得他们儿时去的地方再带他们的下一代去,不得不承认是非常成功的生意, 但你心里清楚的知道他们的食物是不健康的, 也不便宜!
再说了, Costco根本没必要去发什么flyers, 因为从你买了membership开始, 你就是个上钩的鱼。。你一定会去的,而且也不可能就是去买那便宜的鸡蛋和牛奶的! 这样不仅省了他们的广告钱,还让你以为拣个大便宜式的出来为他们做免费宣传。。呵呵 他们的marketing strategy不成功?? 我看你到是真的蛮愚蠢的。

如果你能例出他们长期很便宜的东西(on sale 不算, 因为每个店都有他们最便宜的东西on sale 而且是不固定save money), 我就一定能在OTTAWA找到比他们还便宜的地方。
Re: Re: Well worth it if you care about quality & service

最初由 kool 发布

您已经中毒很深了, 每天吃着哪些并不便宜的container unhealth food,还乐得屁颠式的在这里宣传。。从你个人的例子就足以证明costco的marketing的成功了。
还有需要提醒你的, 成功的销售不代表他们的服务和产品受益与consumers!麦当佬就是个很好的例子, 他们的market target就是小孩,给玩具建乐园,小孩一去大人也去, 小孩长大了记得他们儿时去的地方再带他们的下一代去,不得不承认是非常成功的生意, 但你心里清楚的知道他们的食物是不健康的, 也不便宜!
再说了, Costco根本没必要去发什么flyers, 因为从你买了membership开始, 你就是个上钩的鱼。。你一定会去的,而且也不可能就是去买那便宜的鸡蛋和牛奶的! 这样不仅省了他们的广告钱,还让你以为拣个大便宜式的出来为他们做免费宣传。。呵呵 他们的marketing strategy不成功?? 我看你到是真的蛮愚蠢的。

如果你能例出他们长期很便宜的东西(on sale 不算, 因为每个店都有他们最便宜的东西on sale 而且是不固定save money), 我就一定能在OTTAWA找到比他们还便宜的地方。

Basically our understandings of "Quality of Life" are very much different. End of the argument. I feel sorry for you, but I won't call you stupid. The bottom line is, you are shallow.

去年底我在costco买了cottonelle jumbo 圈桶手纸。
过了一星期,看zellers fly 上有便宜的cottonelle jumbo 圈桶手纸 比costco便宜近二块,手纸本来就不贵,差两块可是蛮厉害的。冲到zellers把手纸拿下。看外包装和costco稍有不同。心里不太爽,感觉被costco斩了。一个月后,一个明显的结果出来了,costco的手纸比zellers的可多用一星期左右。
最初由 kool 发布

你怎么知道他们的家具从质量和价钱上帮你省了50刀>? 你那什么来做标准? 市场最低价? 我看到有家卖油漆的店里面的木制办公家具比costco好, 不是哪些cheap烂板拼凑成的。价钱比其他家具店便宜的多。 两年没利息月付几十刀。。这些costco都没有, 至少刀刀都要被它先砍, my suggestion>>> shopping around.
什么标准?----我自己要买的东西的标准.同样的价钱能买到什么样的东西的标准.cheap 栏板?你买得起的东西,我不一定买得起.:lol: :lol:
最初由 丫丫 发布

什么标准?----我自己要买的东西的标准.同样的价钱能买到什么样的东西的标准.cheap 栏板?你买得起的东西,我不一定买得起.:lol: :lol:

如果你花几乎同样的价钱, 有什么必要买cheap 栏板而不买好的呢,我只建议你以后仔细观察一下(我相信你也不是只逛costco), 并没有对你消费标准有指责。
Re: 不过costco卖的东东,质量是满好的。

最初由 散尾葵 发布
去年底我在costco买了cottonelle jumbo 圈桶手纸。
过了一星期,看zellers fly 上有便宜的cottonelle jumbo 圈桶手纸 比costco便宜近二块,手纸本来就不贵,差两块可是蛮厉害的。冲到zellers把手纸拿下。看外包装和costco稍有不同。心里不太爽,感觉被costco斩了。一个月后,一个明显的结果出来了,costco的手纸比zellers的可多用一星期左右。

好象每个包装上都有长度的, 以后你比较一下, 做个简单数学, 不就清楚知道是2元划的来呢, 还是一个星期省你的钱
Re: Re: Re: Well worth it if you care about quality & service

最初由 scoobydoo 发布

Basically our understandings of "Quality of Life" are very much different. End of the argument. I feel sorry for you, but I won't call you stupid. The bottom line is, you are shallow.

your misleading not working
销售策略不一样,Costco经常有一些东东便宜上个把块钱,但绝对没有超级便宜的.可你也绝对不会被它坑的.不象其他的店,搞出来几个超级便宜甚至是低于成本价的东西,好把顾客吸引到他们的店里去,去了你总会买点其他东西吧,他们就在其他东西上赚回来.如果有超级便宜的东东,顺道买回来也就罢了,特意地shop around the whole town and buy a little bit here and there是不是太累了.如果有人不嫌累,绝对也是好事.我想大部分人每周都只是在固定的几个地方购物.综合来讲,Costco是非常不错的.价格公道,质量不差.如果你办一张Amex+Costco卡,这个会费也就找回来了.每年的cash rebate有多少就看你Amex上的年花销额了.我们家总是能搞个一二百块钱回来的.这个cash rebate只能在Costco花.不过也不错了,能抓上几样东西不用给钱啦.
最初由 小山羊 发布
销售策略不一样,Costco经常有一些东东便宜上个把块钱,但绝对没有超级便宜的.可你也绝对不会被它坑的.不象其他的店,搞出来几个超级便宜甚至是低于成本价的东西,好把顾客吸引到他们的店里去,去了你总会买点其他东西吧,他们就在其他东西上赚回来.如果有超级便宜的东东,顺道买回来也就罢了,特意地shop around the whole town and buy a little bit here and there是不是太累了.如果有人不嫌累,绝对也是好事.我想大部分人每周都只是在固定的几个地方购物.综合来讲,Costco是非常不错的.价格公道,质量不差.如果你办一张Amex+Costco卡,这个会费也就找回来了.每年的cash rebate有多少就看你Amex上的年花销额了.我们家总是能搞个一二百块钱回来的.这个cash rebate只能在Costco花.不过也不错了,能抓上几样东西不用给钱啦.

在加拿大, 很多店是连锁的, 一般在居民区都比较集中, 没有你说的那么累, 再说了, 希望能尽量支持加拿大的公司和企业,我个人从不去wal-mart,sears, costco之类美国超级店, 如果有同样的东西, 我尽量买made in china, 这就是我的消费观念。
我认为COSTCO的一些大件还是比较便宜的,往往买一件就值了会员费了, 例如:
1) 曾买一个PS2游戏机,当时比了futureshop and bestbuy,最后还是costco便宜50左右。
2)曾买一个DVDwriter,比较同样品牌后,也是costco便宜,还不用mail in rebate。
