
最初由 abby 发布

You are assuming now.

It does not take much time for anyone who browse the arguments on ott.jobs to figure out why this petition was started. When you asked people to sign this petition, all I did just give my perception. You should let people decide by themself instead of attack different voice. I am sorry if you think the reasons are not consistant. As I said, I could be wrong. Use your own judgement or you will be used.

My previous poster sounds not quite friendly, please don't take it personal. I enjoy the discssion between us.

In fact, I got this petition link from ott.jobs, and I've read those comments. And, I am definding not attacking -- there're bunch of "Hi-Tech job seekers" whinning behind me, how can I attack the advantaged. Yes, let the people decide by themselves, none of us is able to click the mouse for them.

For most of the Chinese immigrants, unilingual(English) is a big curdle in their career, let alone billingual. That's my judgement. Those Anglophone people have their own reasons for such petition, I have mine. I don't know who is used by whom, but IMHO, we have common interest on it.

When I was in the government, I remember there is a big poster in the meeting room: "Parlez Francais en reunion, pour quoi pas?" But there's no according English translation for this slogan. Where's billingualism?
最初由 行者 发布
One redicular fact is that the strongest billingualism supporters do uni-lingualistic thing. There is no bilingualism in Quebec, just French. This is a really nasty political thing. There are only French in public notice board, street signs, and etc. This make it really unconvinient for tourists who are not supposed to learn French just because they want to go there

That's the point. Do the francphone people show the same level of respectation to the other language? No! They are the only community taking advantage from billingualism policy.
最初由 行者 发布
One redicular fact is that the strongest billingualism supporters do uni-lingualistic thing. There is no bilingualism in Quebec, just French. This is a really nasty political thing. There are only French in public notice board, street signs, and etc. This make it really unconvinient for tourists who are not supposed to learn French just because they want to go there

There are two kinds of Bilingualism. Federal level and provincial level. At federal level,Canada is a bilingual country. On provincial level, only New Brunswick is bilingual province. It means Quebec is a unilingualistic province.

Not long ago, an MP is talking about having bilingualism in all provinces in Canada. A lot of people outside Quebec said fine only if Quebec to be Bilingual first :). I guess most of the country are quite pissed off by the arrogance of Quebec government.

As for Bilingualism, it was proposed by Trudeau in 1970s. At that time, the intensity between English and French were very strong. In some part of Canada, a Francphone was not going to be served in store if he/she spoke French. I guess Bilingualism was proposed to get French Canadian Culture recognized in this country. However, it does not satisfy Quebec seperatist. It make the ferderal government spent a lot of money for almost nothing. Even Trudeau himself admitted it was his mistake to let Canada have two official languages.

I like Bilingualism, like previous post said, it does not have to be English or French, thus I think it should not be official at federal level. In stead, it should be decided by the demographics of each regions.


I don't want to sign the petition is not because I don't agree the idea. I just don't agree with the reasons. Thanks for all the replies. I apologize that this post is not all about the petition.
Ottawa地区是双语制比较敏感的地方,当然主要原因还是联邦政府是这个地区的最大雇员(听说一度被Hi-Tech赶上?)以我个人的观察,政府部门里的双语雇员本身并不赞成双语制,也就是一些法语人士(会一点英语但说不通的被视为双语人士而录用的人)极其敏感的强调扩大和加强双语政策。最近不是又有某当权者挑战安省政府,把Ottawa变成Officialy Bilingual,而被安省政府推辞,说应该由市政府自己决定吗?
new City of Ottawa已经和正在为它实施的双语服务(注意,不是双语制)付出惨重代价---主要来自于不同级别和层次的双语培训,各工会也敏感的提出过由双语服务可能造成的job security问题,市政不得不承诺保证提供全免费培训,并且雇员不会因为本身为单语而失去现在的工作……
联邦政府自身对法语有苦难言,省和市级政府当然不会轻易惹火烧身,在安省,走出Ottawa地区,这根本不是个敏感话题----Bilingual?No way!
最初由 VeryIratedPerson 发布


Thanks for abby's input about short introduction of billingualism. It is definitely a mistake, which is wasting money and energy, but Canadian can get very little benifit from it.

Talking about unilingualism in Quebec, I don't want to add any comments on it. I just mean that to make tourist convinient they should put both French and English on public signs, eg. the parking limits and instructions in public. Everybody can estimate how many tourists to Montreal can read English, while how many can read French.

Montreal people are so warm-heart. Whenever I asked a road, they almost always showed intension to send me there. I cannot believe such kind people are so narrow-mind. It must be done by some politicians.

Yestoday, new RO did a survey about city billigual matter, 4 of 5 people support it. I don't believe it reflect the real opinions. Because this is a very sensitive topic, people don't want to talk what they really think aboutin public although this is a free country.
跑一小会儿题. :p

魁北克的101法规定所有标志必须用法文. 虽然给不懂法文的游客制造了很多不便, 但不可否认, 蒙特利尔正是因为是个法语社会而与众不同, 吸引大批游客. 路标或PARKING等多用统一标志与阿拉伯数字, 顶多需要认识一星期的7天, 大多数人应该没有理解问题.

行者兄: 我也讨厌搞魁独的政客们. :)
我不认为如果在Parking 牌上,加一点英文,游客会去得少。中国的许多的地方都有英文标志,我们也没失去中国特色。说到底,是他们自卑的一种over-reaction.
我不认识法语的一星期的7天。 我相信这里的大多数人也不认识。
感谢阿拉伯朋友。是他们发明了阿拉伯数字。否则, 魁独也不会用和英语有关的世界通用标志。

阿拉伯数字是印度人发明的 :blink:
最初由 大屁股 发布


U of T的一个教授认为English Canada不存在共同利益,其余九个省只是联邦政府与魁北克讨价还价时坐在桌旁的第三方.魁北克出走之后,English Canada由于失去了独特的文化特征,很可能会解体,被纳入美国.

美国宪法 Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union 的第11款给予加拿大加入的特殊地位.BC当年全民公决加入加拿大的票与加入美国的票数只多几百而已.



最初由 VeryIratedPerson 发布

That's the point. Do the francphone people show the same level of respectation to the other language? No! They are the only community taking advantage from billingualism policy.

You are assuming again. You make presumptions towards the whole Francphone population. Maybe you should change your signature:).

You know there are Francphone in Saschkachuan(can never get the spell right), Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. I wonder how many of them you met and make you say so. Also Quabec is not the only French community, do you have any idea of how other French Canadian live in this country? I guess you are making assumption :)

Anyhow,just a friendly reminding that while we are expressing our views, we should not cross the line. :)