



随着重病保险的赔偿金额不断增加,已经远远高出保险公司的预算,业内人士指出,问题是预期未来,因为癌症等疾患越来越多,赔偿只会越来越多。在今年维多利亚举行的重病保险世界大会上,各国保险公司普遍认为保证保费不变,以及付款期限有保证等条款将来都可能取消,英国的重病保险保费已上涨了大约30%--50%, 预计加拿大的保费在今年之内上涨了大约13%--17%, 同时保险公司会对申请者的审批会更为严格。

The medical care in Canada is almost free, except when you need to go to nursing home or pallative care...

Why people still want to purchase 重病保险?? many of the life insurance have an *Terminal Illness Benefit* which is similar to 重病保险, but they only paid out 40-60% of the face value of the insurer.

Just wondering~
Good concern, think about this, what is insurance? One word, money. When people get into critical conditions,right now the government is paying for every thing,but what is your concern, some people may think about to go overseas for surgery, for travel,and for sure out of job. where are those needed money come from?

Critical illness insurance usually cover twenty deacease,some conditions are very common in canada.The insured amount money is free to use when people suffer one of those twenty deceases.(Of course the condition is critical).Because the claims is very high, so the price for this insurance is fairly higher than life insurance.

Every person usually have some kind of life insurance,(like term or UL product),if you buy another critical illness policy, will be expensive than the one I was talking about.

About insurance with "terminal illness benefit" have the same feature as the one I was talking, but the coverd condition is very few and vital.Check those wording in your policies.

welcome discuss

最初由 dkwan 发布
The medical care in Canada is almost free, except when you need to go to nursing home or pallative care...

Why people still want to purchase 重病保险?? many of the life insurance have an *Terminal Illness Benefit* which is similar to 重病保险, but they only paid out 40-60% of the face value of the insurer.

Just wondering~

I am glad that you have reply, thats mean you have quite confidence on what you are working on.

Insurance is prepare the unprepared, in my opinion, everyone should have at least 1 kind of insurance of each type.

Life insurance is for when your family is in debt, the need of life insurance should be reduced when the family's financial situtation is getting on track.

Accident and Sickness is when you are young and healthy, cause its cheaper when you have it when you are young and healthy. Cause no one is preparing for sick like no one know whats gonna happen tomorrow.

So, I suggest, buying insurance need at least 3 requirements:
1) The reputation of the company
2) The price
3) The coverage

I am life agent, and I see some policy is meant to be confusion.

In Life Insurance, Terminal Illness Benefit is an option, you might option in when signing the application but most of the policy dont have that option.

Critical Illness is also an option for Accident and Sickness, as I dont remember wrong. So, the price is particular more expensive cause Accident and Sickness already included many option. Usually A & S is offer by the employeer, cause group insurance is always cheaper.
BTW, what company are you with?
Group insurance covers disability insurance, but disability insurance is not the same as critical illness illness.Big different.

By the way, I am a broker.

最初由 dkwan 发布
BTW, what company are you with?
oic. very nice.

nice to meet you~
i will think about it.. but the chances of buying critial illness is very slim because of the medical system in Canada and the price of that type of insurance.

Your saying is absoulely true, but still cannot convice people, at least me to thinking of that type.
not a problem! Each everybody have their own concern.Just let people know, there is something like that available.

最初由 fallleave 发布
depends on which company you buy it for.

and how much coverage you are looking for, the price depends on the followings ( but not limited to ) :

1) age
2) wife ( if any )
3) child(ren) ( if any )
4) health condition ( i.e. smoking? height and weight ratio? )
5) face amount
6) length of coverage ( if applicable )
最初由 残剑 发布

For example:
For woman 37 years old,good health, Term 10 life 200000 about 15-20 dollars/m
if she choose Term 10 life 200000+critical illness 100000, about 42-46 dollars/m.