
If you are in a big company and has union, you should talk to the union reps. If you are in a small company, then nothing you can do. The only thing is that don't work too hard next time.
your boss just wanted to make you unhappy and mad for some reason which you did not fully understand. so take it easy, relax, to be happy. simply do what you think it's good for you, don't pay any attention to his show.
tell him directly, you don't feel good, you can't do anything but sleep.
别理他, 你越理他越麻烦, 他要因为你看病开了你, 你可以告他. 你要不想告他, 可以找人修理他. 我就不尿我老板那套, 我的俩老外哥儿们已经让他心惊胆颤了. 有些老板就是贱, 你要学会偶尔让他头疼. 当然该干的工作还是要干, 但不要干的过多了. 资本家是靠剥削剩余价值炸取血汗钱的, 是没多少人性的. 你看那个电视广告, 雇员中了奖后, 拧拧老板的鼻子就辞职了.

想开点吧, 天下老板一般黑,有许多工作场所是彻底暴露着人性的丑恶. 对坏人你要学会虚伪狡诈,笑里藏刀才能活. 这就是我们所处的现实社会. 每天你回家关门的那刻, 就是你把工作,老板关在门外的时候, 那是工作, 高不高兴就那样了, 用不着去想.

Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
1. 上班时间不要让神经持续绷紧。那样人会崩溃的。
2. 上班能干多少干多少,下班走人
3. 让你回家干的,月底填时间时算上加班时间,让他按1.5 PAY.
亲爱的,给人打工都是这样,幸好你是给西人工作,给中国人做,更没的理讲,权衡一下,做自己的决定。 不过我想, 找到一个那么善的老板真的是不容易。
