给OU 的同学门

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Re: 同学, 拜托先把自己的学校名字搞搞清楚吧!

<HTML> i don't see why not knowing the profs' name consider not normal. here is not like in China that student spend a lot of times with profs. we only spend at most 3h each week with the prof, so approximately 48hours each semester, and after that, probably not seeing the prof again for long time or for ever(this is so in Administration)beside, know Profs names won't help us to get high marks, so why needed for us to remember all their names? Please also note that, many natives call the University of Ottawa as Ottawa U or OU, so it's not us Chinese who invented these names.

to MEIZI3: i might know or recognize your friend,u know it's not many female Chinese studying MBA here, is she in regular MBA or YES-Canada's? She probably recognize me too if she sees me, undergraduate female students are even fewer then MBA. What field do u study?</HTML>

<HTML>Thanks for your quick reply,and I know sth about why you are so famous to her.
My major is Economics and she was regular mba. In my mind, she is very qualified to be an excellent mba student. So I can't agree with those people's opinion about UO. Their points just show they are a little bit weak.

The new term is coming,it seems that there would no interesting activity in my first New Years days in my mind.
Anyway,how are your holiday going?</HTML>

<HTML>I do like Ottawa U although it might not be the best university in Canada, but it has its own unique teaching style and students are hard working students. I know many MBA students, they are not garbage students at all, they all try their best to achieve to the best.

Holiday is ok for me, did some shopping and spend Christmas with my friends. I am going back to Ottawa tomorrow, kind of missing the city a bit.</HTML>

<HTML>Faint and speechless by what you said.

Another proof to show why "Xiao Yanzi" style girl is so damn hot in China.


<HTML>first of all, i am not a "xiao Yanzi" style girl. I am very independent person and live with my own style. Secondly, everything i said in here is just trying to express my own opinions, my view of the matter, i am not trying to offense anyone. So please calm down, don't be so agressive.</HTML>

<HTML>Whether OU is good or not, I will cherish the time I am spending in OU as an MBA student. :)</HTML>

<HTML>"IKnow",你能不能告诉我OU的 MBA 是不是不需要GMAT成绩, 如果需要, 大约多少分算是过关? 一堆人在问我, 乌泱乌泱的, 有原来的同事, 和朋友, 她们最近拿到了移民纸,只想上学, 又不想考GMAT,想偷懒, 我也没办法, 尽力帮她们(都是美女)找, 你能费力提供些信息吗, 越详细越好, 多谢了. :) :oups!:</HTML>

<HTML>Girls study MBA, haha!!! administrat/manage what? your male boss or your husband/bf?</HTML>
Re: Rave

<HTML>Hi, Rave. Native people call "University of Ottawa" as "Ottawa U". That is why many people simply call it OU. There is nothing wrong with it. You have not been here long enough to know it. The term "UO" does not exist!</HTML>
Re: Guest

<HTML>This is a reasonable question. I have the same doubt.</HTML>
Re: Guest

<HTML>徐行, actually I am a part-time MBA student, as I know, if your GMAT is above 600, everything will be OK. The average GMAT score is only 580 for 2000 cohort. Fortunately I am around 700. :-)
As for girls who want to learn MBA, i think it is not a bad idea. To learn MBA is to know the local culture and to give you a good start point to pursue some other professional paths. It does not necessarily mean you have to be a manager in future. I doubt I escaped several laid-offs last year because my MBA study is a factor to my advantage. :) And I really learned quite a lot from my study though I hate to be so crazily busy all the time. Almost no weekends for the last 4 months. What a poor guy !</HTML>
Re: Guest

<HTML>Thanks a lot for "Iknow"'s information, God bless you.</HTML>
Re: Meizi 5

<HTML>It's funny that sb connect you with XiaoYanZi. No, you are definitely not.
You are different because you have true feeling unlike her.And you are lucky that you are full of confidence in what you are. So you are strong.

I have chatted with some mba students here. Some of them are pretty good,even the students in YES-Canada. Some guys complained so much about MBA in UO because they don't know real MBA and have a little bit of envy.</HTML>
Re: Meizi 5

<HTML>All MBAs, they believe they are very good and confient, specially when you are student. When they go to real world, they will know what shxt they are.</HTML>

<HTML>I don`t know what kind of feeling you are holding to MBAs. So weird. If you were an MBA before, you have the privilege to tell me your shxt experience. If you were not, please just calm down and learn sth from others.It will do you good. OK?

I don`t know why people here are so impatient and anxious. For the frustrated study or the lack of girls? Be graceful and strong gentleman. We didn`t come to Canada and pay for our psychasthenia. The suffering now would help us become a real man...</HTML>