
最初由 孤星夜雨 发布
If you know it is your fault, please don't waste others' time and abuse the system. Learn good manner.


p.s. Good manner正是您缺乏的。
您听说过: play by the rule吗?:blink:

最初由 孤星夜雨 发布
人还是应该做到在第1个例子, 主动把100块补上. 做人不能没有原则. 贪小便宜的人, 永远成不了什么样子, 还往往最后吃大亏.

Re: same accident.

楼主要以后多注意这个问题,幸好没有受伤. 我在两年前卷入一个同样性质的事故, 对方是 QUEBEC 老太, 就是这种"从不安全的位置启动", 估计我不会撞她, 从路肩启动后并作 U turn, 被我的车撞的一塌胡涂, 需要救火员将车门劈开, 勃子被剥离划伤, 很悬哪. 我当时视线有点被她后面的 BUS 遮挡, 也没注意到她的车, 就感觉车前排山倒海般压过一辆车, 踩死刹车后还是眼铮铮地看见我的车把对方的车挤扁了... 事故调查: 她就称我太快了, 但经别人作证和警察判断, 判定我当时的速度仅有 35KM/H.

结果是: 老太身体无碍, 包扎后送医院处理, 车子估计大修或报废(拖走了); 老太负全责, 得和楼主一样的 ticket, 并被警察起诉. 我的车头灯破碎, 车身须bodyshop, 修车带租车将近四千块.

经验: (1) 看见老太要特别小心, 尤其是 QUEBEC 老太, 因为我仅有的两次事故都是 QUEBEC 老太造成的. (第二次是刚路边趴车在一老太后面, 熄了火, 她老人家居然倒起了车, 发车是来不及了, 只的按喇叭, 也不管用了.) - 所以, 看见老太趴车, 前空一个lot, 不要熄火,随时准备倒挡避让.
(2) 美国车真结实啊! 我的车刚碎了一个头灯, 对方的车就抽抽了. :-)

楼主呢, 该打官司呢照打不误, 有责任并不是说就不能得到适当的考虑,但以后一定要注意了:不可性急! 我的故事, 给大家乐乐.



1. 首先, 这是他和警察的事, 和保险没什么关系. 这你要搞清楚, 不要偷换主题

2. 就算保险赢利, 就可以减我们保险吗? 没看见 Minto 赢利, 就减房价. 也没看见邻居开 Mercedes, 我可以过去也开两天.

3. 好奇的问, 按你算法, 涨了7倍多才赢利 26 亿, 是不是以前就亏本.

4. 平心而论, 如果保险整个行业才赢利 26 亿, 不算很多. 保险业有多少人? 你可以算一下平均人创造的赢利, 不见得有眼镜行多. 当然, 每个人都不想涨保险. 我们能做的就是象楼主这样的人少出事. 让别人不赚钱, 谁来投资这个行业?

5. 退一千万步讲, 如果保险不当赢利或者暴利, 那是政府的事. 一是不允许垄断和底下联手, 二是开放市场竞争. 真正自由的市场, 价格反映市场规律.

6. 不明白你为什么鼓励楼主这种人, careless driver 应该付出代价. 最好的办法是他替我们交保险, 而不是我替他交. 你这是黑白不分, 气急败坏!鄙视你!

最初由 渐渐 发布


p.s. Good manner正是您缺乏的。
你神仙, 他顶多是把罚单去掉, 如果警察不上庭的话.

他没有一点可能把事故责任去掉. 这个不需要上庭. 法庭也不管这个. 保险公司就能决定. 你以为别人是傻的, 人家直行, 你启动出来, 撞了还有可能是人家的责任?


最初由 渐渐 发布
您听说过: play by the rule吗?:blink:

我到有个疑问,如果一个事故中,一方付主要责任,一方次要责任,那么保险公司是否都做为FAULT CLAIM ?
如果你明明是错误, 应该交罚款, 你上法庭只不过是拼警察不来. 如果警察不是忙, 他会不来吗? 自己做错还想赖, 你说是不是浪费别人的时间, 滥用公币?

学车的时候, 师傅说得很清楚. 老外总是有办法分出一个错, 一个对. 不要想着什么次要责任. 只有错的一方负责任.这种 Case 明摆着是楼主的错. 他只不过是想去掉警察的 ticket 而已. 至于保险, 如果对方报了保险公司的话, 他的保险公司是赔定的. 铁板板

最初由 浪客TANXIN 发布
我到有个疑问,如果一个事故中,一方付主要责任,一方次要责任,那么保险公司是否都做为FAULT CLAIM ?
You are funny, so ignorant but funny. You are confusing 2 events here: conflict between 2 parties involved in an accident (which normally results in small claims court) and conflict between a party and police (which normally results in criminal court).

The question the initial poster asked was: "Should I fight for this traffic ticket?", and that's what we've been discussing here. Everyone knows that a traffic ticket not only demands a fine, but also some infraction points. Those points are what insurance companies use to increase your premium. For the past few years, the increase has been substantial, that's how the insurance companies makde record-breaking profits!

To avoid sky-rocketing premium hike, anyone, I mean sane people, should fight for the traffic ticket for as long as it's humanly possible. In many cases, the infraction points are dropped completely, fine could be reduced or even a complete aquittal. I fought my traffic tickets twice, and had won both times.

So before you jump out and yelling bloody murder, why don't you walk a mile in someone else's shoes for a change?

最初由 孤星夜雨 发布
你神仙, 他顶多是把罚单去掉, 如果警察不上庭的话.

他没有一点可能把事故责任去掉. 这个不需要上庭. 法庭也不管这个. 保险公司就能决定. 你以为别人是傻的, 人家直行, 你启动出来, 撞了还有可能是人家的责任?




两点:1,她刚从家里Drive Way出来上大路。2,有证人认为她车速过高。
2,她也有错~ 但就这个Case来说,是你的错~
We have a common agreement on the system that it shall punish the ones who did bad things and protect the ones who did good things. If you were treated unfairly, you are definitely encouraged to defend yourself. On the other hand, you must also understand you shall be responsible and deserve punishment for things you did that were not right.

In this guy's (louzhu) case, the fact he told us apparently indicated that it was totally his fault for the accident. In addition to the responsibility for the accident, he also received a ticket from the police. I didn't see anything wrong with what the police did. The guy (louzhu) absolutely started the car from parked position not in safety. That is the fact and the police issued the ticket merely based on this fact. What are you going to do in the court with this fact? You deny, no ways. Are you recommend him go to court just take the advantage if the police does not present? You are abusing the system becasue you know the fact is the fact. It doesn't change no matter if the police comes or not.

In your cases, what kinds of tickets did you fight for? Speeding, not stop at the line, or parking tickets? If you were treated unfairly, you were right to defend. But if you did violate the rule, you shall be prosecuted. If you don't mind, you are more than welcome to share the details.

Don't be jealous the money insurance companies make. They are not non-profit companies. If accidents decrease, so will the insurance rate. We need more people to drive safely - not only for saving money but also for saving our lives. People shall learn from the tickets. Careless and aggressive driving is just one step away from accident.

Nothing is funny when talking about driving and accident.

最初由 渐渐 发布
You are funny, so ignorant but funny. You are confusing 2 events here: conflict between 2 parties involved in an accident (which normally results in small claims court) and conflict between a party and police (which normally results in criminal court).

The question the initial poster asked was: "Should I fight for this traffic ticket?", and that's what we've been discussing here. Everyone knows that a traffic ticket not only demands a fine, but also some infraction points. Those points are what insurance companies use to increase your premium. For the past few years, the increase has been substantial, that's how the insurance companies makde record-breaking profits!

To avoid sky-rocketing premium hike, anyone, I mean sane people, should fight for the traffic ticket for as long as it's humanly possible. In many cases, the infraction points are dropped completely, fine could be reduced or even a complete aquittal. I fought my traffic tickets twice, and had won both times.

So before you jump out and yelling bloody murder, why don't you walk a mile in someone else's shoes for a change?

最初由 tetrisfun 发布
两点:1,她刚从家里Drive Way出来上大路。

## it doesn't matter where she started from as long as she was already on the road, she has the right of way. That is the key point and you shall always yield for other vihecles when you start from parking.


## It is very difficult to convice the judge that she was speeding by your witness' feel without an gauge or meter. If a police issues you a ticket for speeding without a laser detector, do you agree with he?
