最初由 渐渐 发布
p.s. Good manner正是您缺乏的。
最初由 浪客TANXIN 发布
我到有个疑问,如果一个事故中,一方付主要责任,一方次要责任,那么保险公司是否都做为FAULT CLAIM ?
最初由 孤星夜雨 发布
你神仙, 他顶多是把罚单去掉, 如果警察不上庭的话.
他没有一点可能把事故责任去掉. 这个不需要上庭. 法庭也不管这个. 保险公司就能决定. 你以为别人是傻的, 人家直行, 你启动出来, 撞了还有可能是人家的责任?
最初由 渐渐 发布
You are funny, so ignorant but funny. You are confusing 2 events here: conflict between 2 parties involved in an accident (which normally results in small claims court) and conflict between a party and police (which normally results in criminal court).
The question the initial poster asked was: "Should I fight for this traffic ticket?", and that's what we've been discussing here. Everyone knows that a traffic ticket not only demands a fine, but also some infraction points. Those points are what insurance companies use to increase your premium. For the past few years, the increase has been substantial, that's how the insurance companies makde record-breaking profits!
To avoid sky-rocketing premium hike, anyone, I mean sane people, should fight for the traffic ticket for as long as it's humanly possible. In many cases, the infraction points are dropped completely, fine could be reduced or even a complete aquittal. I fought my traffic tickets twice, and had won both times.
So before you jump out and yelling bloody murder, why don't you walk a mile in someone else's shoes for a change?
最初由 tetrisfun 发布
两点:1,她刚从家里Drive Way出来上大路。
## it doesn't matter where she started from as long as she was already on the road, she has the right of way. That is the key point and you shall always yield for other vihecles when you start from parking.
## It is very difficult to convice the judge that she was speeding by your witness' feel without an gauge or meter. If a police issues you a ticket for speeding without a laser detector, do you agree with he?