大约在冬季 (+++)

15.雪压树枝, 树枝弯.

I was just wondering if someone actually took some shots yesterday, since it was so beautiful. :)
Major's Hill Park was covered in snow, and the church bell was ringing, so peaceful.
最初由 渐渐 发布

I was just wondering if someone actually took some shots yesterday, since it was so beautiful. :)
Major's Hill Park was covered in snow, and the church bell was ringing, so peaceful.

I wish I lived in downtown core.
Hog's Back is also very nice ah. :D
Thanks, 爱狐狸的狼, 渐渐, and Short Hair.
Keep up the good spirit. It's a pity that I haven't touched the camera for 2 weeks as I'm quite busy both at work and at home. I know it's a shame but can't do much about it.
今天没机会出去拍, 真遗憾. 昨晚临睡前, 躲在屋里, 摁了几张, 放在这儿充数吧.
17. 下雪时天真亮.
18. 邻居家的后院