大约在冬季 (+++)

#43 第39张原图crop, 作了适当锐化.
最初由 GangW 发布

That's great. Say Say where you shot it. :cool: :cool:
North of Kanata, pretty close to Alcatel office, and DND.
最初由 桔子香水 发布
阿瓜的摄影技术太好了!羡慕!!!:cool: :cool: :cool:



桔子香水: 正像你说的, 摄影就是透过镜头看世界, 随时发现记录美的东西. 不在乎用的是数码, 胶片; 单反, 还是"傻瓜".

记得有一幅获奖作品, 是水族馆里的一头游泳的北极熊, 是用旅游纪念品店里买的一次性相机拍的.

立刻行动, 加入摄影爱好者的行列吧!

霍!霍!这几张猫头鹰照的, 目光炯炯, 傲气凛然.:cool:
最初由 阿瓜 发布

North of Kanata, pretty close to Alcatel office, and DND.

Thanks, 阿瓜

is this your report: :D :cool:

Author: Ott User
Date: 01-03-05 19:21

Oops. Here is a link for directions to Shirleys Bay from www.neilyworld.com.

The group of people I ran into on March Valley road had left after the owl flew into the tree. I stayed to watch it hunt.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ott User
To: Ontbirds
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 8:18 PM
Subject: Great Gray Owls [Shirleys Bay + March Valley]

Read a report of a Great Gray Owl sighted at Shirleys Bay (Jan. 1, 2005) on the Neily site. Went there this morning and saw a Great Gray Owl perched in a tree just off the road on the right side of Rifle road as you are heading down toward Shirleys Bay. The spot is almost opposite the big tower on the other side of the road.
It was first pointed out to me by two birders who had seen it fly into that area and land in a tree. Then I ran into another two birders down by the feeders at Shirleys Bay who had been viewing the owl earlier and they informed me of where the owl was located. Sure enough there it was perched not too far off the road, sleeping mostly. I met other birders who said it had been in the same spot for a few hours now.
When I went back later in the afternoon (4pm) it was actively hunting on the other side of the road almost opposite from where it had been perched. It made swoops to the ground a few times. It was in that general area for quite some time and flying more into the field by the time I left at about 4:30pm or so.
Before I went to see the Shirleys Bay owl at 4pm I had ventured down to March Valley road to see if I could spot any of the Great Gray Owls reported there earlier. I ran into a group of people who had gotten out of their vehicles. From what I recall, they saw a Great Gray Owl on the ground in the field first and then it was perched on a post about 25 feet from them. Then it flew up into a tree where it was quite visible. The owl was very active....hopping from ground to post to tree, back and forth. This was on March Valley road in the field where there is a RED abandoned contraption of some sort, a flat trailer or wagon or whatever that thing was. While I was there I saw a few vehicles parked by the side of March valley road and assummed the occupants had spotted an owl or something and went for a closer look...not sure.
最初由 startrack 发布

的确是利器, fast and sharp, 拍舞台, 人物, 比赛什么的就是她了. 加个tele-converter, 拍鸟也没问题了.

焦外也不错, 不过离定焦还差点儿, 就不用比Leica了.:D
阿瓜: looks like you need to add a pair of snowshoes into your backpack le. ;)
Snowshoeing and cross-country skiing are so popular with nature photographers during the winter time, I saw many on the mountains of the West Coast.
最初由 startrack 发布

最初由 startrack 发布

startrack: 教条了不是。 At Ottawa you can shoot the Canadian goose, mallard, gull, sandpipe, chickadee,.... by "傻瓜".

startrack 是大毒贩。大家躲远点。:D