1784 初级会员 VIP 注册 2002-05-22 消息 22,968 荣誉分数 902 声望点数 293 2004-12-10 #8 最初由 佳利 发布 我所遇见的最完美的男生!^_^ Is a GAY How ironic!!! 点击展开...
1784 初级会员 VIP 注册 2002-05-22 消息 22,968 荣誉分数 902 声望点数 293 2004-12-11 #12 that is very good for you it is really have to find someone is near perfect and not gay
kidd 新手上路 注册 2003-01-20 消息 832 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-12-11 #14 最初由 无缘天使 发布 在这个世界上没有完么的人 点击展开... in the real world, there's nothin perfect, but in ur own world,there must be someone just perfect to u. the tricky part is that u cant even find him through ur whole life if ur heart is too rigorous
最初由 无缘天使 发布 在这个世界上没有完么的人 点击展开... in the real world, there's nothin perfect, but in ur own world,there must be someone just perfect to u. the tricky part is that u cant even find him through ur whole life if ur heart is too rigorous