请支持"夫母移民加快速度"请愿, 签名递交众议院, 如果你爱你父母的话(ZT)



by zhangsanwei (阿伟) at 2004.12.30 12:37

向MPs发信申诉有关“父母团聚申请的时间太太长“的建议太好了。这实在是一件非常重要,非常有意义的事情。我们的爹娘都在渐渐的老去,如同我们一样年华也在逝去。我们在这里,为实现梦想奋斗着,扛着无尽的酸苦,给加拿大在交高额的税赋,看着政府给那麽多的福利于我们认为不该想用的人们。这叫什麽,这叫Abuse, 滥用我们的血汗呀。 那可是用我们的钱呐。可是我们的老迈的爹娘在远方,却年年岁岁的盼着与儿女团聚,享受天伦。我们爱我们的爹娘。可我们却在成把成把的税钱洒向不合理的税负财政支出,这可不是洒向人间都是爱呀!政府没有了合理的团聚移民进程时间表,然我们是如此的心急如焚的天天看着往事那永不改变的时间。June 24, 2003. 我真的是要出离愤怒了。
请支持"夫母移民加快速度"请愿, 签名递交众议院, 如果你爱你父母的话
by william_888 (william) at 2005.1.1 23:13

<本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum
Jenia 是千万递交"夫母移民申请"中的一员,她正组织连名递请愿书,请求加快速度.只需你的Name, City, Province, Post code
请contact: Jenia Demidov <jenia20@hotmail.com>


There is misunderstanding again. Sorry guys, as said in Canada we don’t have Canadian experience and very emotional.

There is no dead line to collect signatures so far.
[ 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum ]
Someone of us suggested that we have to send letter (I’ve attached this letter) to every members of House of Commons Committee just after New Year. http://www.news.gc.ca/cfmx/CCP/view/en/index.cfm?articleid=117159


Now we have date June 24, 2003 when CIC apparently stopped processing the parental applications.

CIC MAY BE slowly started to process application after New Year, before Committee will start. (This is very important Committee). So our date will be outdated.

And will stop it in March 2005 (as it was in March 2004) again after Committee will finish. Simply because the quota (5,500-6,800) will be over. We will wait years and years to see our parents.
< r o l i a. n e t >
The goal of our letters and Petition is to increase quota for parental sponsorship. And we want to collect signatures as much as we can to sign the letter and Petition.

Please read the letter and if you already sign the Petition, but don’t want to sign the letter, just let me know.

If you sign the Petition and agree with the letter do nothing. I simply count your signature.

Next. If you are afraid about something simply don’t participate in our action. Please aks only essential questions.
{ 枫下论坛 rolia.net/forum }
If you want to be removed from our mailing list just let me know.

My phone is 416-562-5024.

Please be active. Contact your local paper, TV and so on. Do something for the sake of your parents.

< 相约加拿大 ROLIA.NET >
接受Jenia的号召,我在12月31日给每位House of Commons standing co...

接受Jenia的号召,我在12月31日给每位House of Commons standing committee的成员以我个人名义发了一封信.当然集体信我也要签.
by immimomy (immimomy) at 2005.1.4 13:50

From: Glenda Garrison

Executive Assistant to Inky Mark, M.P.
Dauphin-Swan River-Marquette Parliamentary Office

Thank you for your letter. I will ensure it is brought to Mr. Mark's attention.

Glenda Garrison

Executive Assistant
Room 686, Confederation Building
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
t | 613.992.3176
f | 613.992.0930
Re: 向MPs发信申诉有关“父母团聚申请的时间太太长“的建议太好了(ZT)

最初由 support 发布
给加拿大在交高额的税赋,看着政府给那麽多的福利于我们认为不该想用的人们。这叫什麽,这叫Abuse, 滥用我们的血汗呀。 那可是用我们的钱呐。可是我们的老迈的爹娘在远方,却年年岁岁的盼着与儿女团聚,享受天伦。我们爱我们的爹娘。可我们却在成把成把的税钱洒向不合理的税负财政支出,这可不是洒向人间都是爱呀!政府没有了合理的团聚移民进程时间表,然我们是如此的心急如焚的天天看着往事那永不改变的时间。June 24, 2003. 我真的是要出离愤怒了。

For what ? So your parents can come here to abuse our already overburdened medicare system ?
Re: Re: 向MPs发信申诉有关“父母团聚申请的时间太太长“的建议太好了(ZT)

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

For what ? So your parents can come here to abuse our already overburdened medicare system ?

Nonsense!! Sponsor paid TAX, sporsorship fee and immigration fee, and deserve the right of family immigrantion. That is none of your business!!!

You are the most boring person I have ever seen in CFC.
Re: Re: Re: 向MPs发信申诉有关“父母团聚申请的时间太太长“的建议太好了(ZT)

最初由 dreamland 发布

Nonsense!! Sponsor paid TAX, sporsorship fee and immigration fee, and deserve the right of family immigrantion. That is none of your business!!!

Why this is not my business ?

Your taxes only payed for your own present and future medicare and other social benefit, your parents will come here to use the medicare that was funded by my and other Canadian's taxes.
Re: Re: Re: Re: 向MPs发信申诉有关“父母团聚申请的时间太太长“的建议太好了(ZT)

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

Why this is not my business ?

Your taxes only payed for your own present and future medicare and other social benefit, your parents will come here to use the medicare that was funded by my and other Canadian's taxes.

Let your parents know you opinion. Especially your taxes are only for your self. Let them know they don't have right to rceive your support when they brought you to this world.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 向MPs发信申诉有关“父母团聚申请的时间太太长“的建议太好了(ZT)

最初由 support 发布
Let your parents know you opinion. Especially your taxes are only for your self. Let them know they don't have right to rceive your support when they brought you to this world.

I of course support them, but using my after-tax money. My Canadian tax is my benefit only.

Your parents should, in fact, be supported by the Chinese Government, not you. They have payed taxes to the CHinese Government all their life, they deserve benefit from Chinese Government, not Canada.

最初由 某某 发布

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 向MPs发信申诉有关“父母团聚申请的时间太太长“的建议太好了(ZT)

It's hard to dispute this, some people have approached the problem from the wrong angle. The matter of the fact is: even I'm willing to use my after-tax dollars to support my parents, they can't come to Canada right away. Even if I sign a sworn affidavit to continue sponsoring my parents for the rest of their natural lives, they still can't come to Canada for another 3-4 years, and there is really no reason for that.

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

I of course support them, but using my after-tax money. My Canadian tax is my benefit only.

Your parents should, in fact, be supported by the Chinese Government, not you. They have payed taxes to the CHinese Government all their life, they deserve benefit from Chinese Government, not Canada.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 向MPs发信申诉有关“父母团聚申请的时间太太长“的建议太好了(ZT)

support: the rule of any sale is this: "What's in it for me?"

最初由 support 发布

Let your parents know you opinion. Especially your taxes are only for your self. Let them know they don't have right to rceive your support when they brought you to this world.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 向MPs发信申诉有关“父母团聚申请的时间太太长“的建议太好了(ZT)

最初由 渐渐 发布
It's hard to dispute this, some people have approached the problem from the wrong angle. The matter of the fact is: even I'm willing to use my after-tax dollars to support my parents, they can't come to Canada right away. Even if I sign a sworn affidavit to continue sponsoring my parents for the rest of their natural lives, they still can't come to Canada for another 3-4 years, and there is really no reason for that.

True. Agree with you. So the petition letter should include two parts:

1. Ask the Canadian government to speed up the process. (rightly so).
2. The sponsoring children should promised and be demanded to pay their parent's medicare while they were in Canada, until they passed away.

Without the second part, let in older people who have never payed a single cent of Canadian tax, is nothing but a robbery of the Canadian taxpayer.