大陆移民申请父母来加 可能轮候10年(ZT)

最初由 丫丫 发布

最初由 Caohaoying 发布

:lookaroun 小人之心有什么不好么?:lookaroun
:lookaroun 小人之心有什么不好么?:lookaroun
:lookaroun 小人之心有什么不好么?:lookaroun
:lol: :lol:
最初由 丫丫 发布

Hi Guys,

Why don't you go to www.sponsoryourparents.ca and learn what people are doing over there right now. You could fine plenty of documents and material of current situation. Stand up, Chinese, stop arguing with each other. We got to united together. We must let our voice can be heard from outside of Chinese community. We are 强势民族。
强烈支持chongchong 和 lzhjx


最初由 渐渐 发布
I agree with you that these are better approaches to shorten the backlog, and I'm certainly willing to do that.

I've said this before: humanitarian ground is perhaps the ONLY card the immigrants can play in this case. Those who keep screaming bloody murder need to come to terms with the reality: if it's not for the free health care and other social benefits, a visitor's visa would be more than enough to enjoy 天伦之乐.

Bull's Eye!
Re: 强烈支持chongchong 和 lzhjx

最初由 YYe 发布



Should allow Canadian choose whether to let you in, not you choose if you could come.
最初由 chongchong 发布
Hi Guys,

Why don't you go to www.sponsoryourparents.ca and learn what people are doing over there right now. You could fine plenty of documents and material of current situation. Stand up, Chinese, stop arguing with each other. We got to united together. We must let our voice can be heard from outside of Chinese community. We are 强势民族。

Don't raise this to if we should unite or be a 强势民族. This is not a problem of if we are Chinese or not, it's a problem if you have such needs. If a Chinese, who doesn't have this need to get his parents over (they can still come to visit, but not to immigrant) then why should him to stand with you.

It's just a group of people with special interets, you may go to unite people from other countries with the similar needs to appeal to the government.
最初由 lifeisfun 发布

Don't raise this to if we should unite or be a 强势民族. This is not a problem of if we are Chinese or not, it's a problem if you have such needs. If a Chinese, who doesn't have this need to get his parents over (they can still come to visit, but not to immigrant) then why should him to stand with you.

It's just a group of people with special interets, you may go to unite people from other countries with the similar needs to appeal to the government.

Could you go to www.sponsoryourparents.ca? You will find the group of people is from all over Canada. I am not saying only Chines should unite together, but we indeed need unite together just like people are doing over there.
一部分人为了自己和自己的父母, 希望加拿大的移民政策变得对自己有利, 另一部

其实, 这里有个西瓜和芝麻的关系。

一部分人拼命要争个西瓜, 另一部分人为了自己能得到一颗芝麻, 不支持(注意:是不支持, 不是反对)前一部分人争得那个西瓜。由此, 前一部分人拼命骂后一部分人是LOSER, 败类。他们骂的理由是: 后一部分人应该放弃那颗芝麻, 去帮助他们(前一部分人)争那个西瓜。

潜在的理由其实很可笑:因为西瓜比芝麻大, 所以咱们应该团结起来争西瓜。
殊不知, 西瓜再大,是你的西瓜, 芝麻再小,是他的芝麻。

由此可见, 争西瓜的不道德。
最初由 闲得慌 发布
其实, 这里有个西瓜和芝麻的关系。

一部分人拼命要争个西瓜, 另一部分人为了自己能得到一颗芝麻, 不支持(注意:是不支持, 不是反对)前一部分人争得那个西瓜。由此, 前一部分人拼命骂后一部分人是LOSER, 败类。他们骂的理由是: 后一部分人应该放弃那颗芝麻, 去帮助他们(前一部分人)争那个西瓜。

潜在的理由其实很可笑:因为西瓜比芝麻大, 所以咱们应该团结起来争西瓜。
殊不知, 西瓜再大,是你的西瓜, 芝麻再小,是他的芝麻。

由此可见, 争西瓜的不道德。
:lol: Hope you would try to understand why people are called LOSER, 败类 for, before you open your 闲得慌的mouth. BTW, enjoy your慌:)