I am sorry to tell you that it is almost impossible to ask Canadian, and Canadian Government stop offering humanity help to people who are in need worldwide neither to people inside Canada even just for a visit, too. Did you get hurt when you knew that Canadian Government offered so much money to those Asian contries for disaster relefe recently?---and those money were not thrown into your medicare system!....you think the money may or maynot spend on you are pennies in your pokect,too bad.最初由 Xiaomimi 发布
By the same token, if the policy is that sponsors must pay for their parents's medicare until they pass away, I won't against their reunification in Canada.
It all comes down to interest, want me to agree with you ? You have to satisfy me that it won't hurt my interest.
最初由 丫丫 发布
I am sorry to point to you that there are adults think小人之心有什么不好么, and there are adults think it is wrong.
And, I hope when we are discussing how to get our parents here faster, you don't imagine people are aiming at your 'successful' job possition to not offering support:smokin:
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布
Those are nothing compared with future medicare cost.
Do you know how much it costs to have a heart bypass surgery ?
Do you know how much to treat a stage III colon cancer ?
An how much is 申请费和LANDING FEE ?
最初由 andy0 发布
如果说用TAX PAYER的钱,有更多值得你去CONCERN的地方,有更多花大钱的地方,知道这个新的BUDGET吗?13BILLION要花在军费上,而医疗只有2个BILLION!!!知道一艘潜艇要多少钱吗?知道一架F16要多少钱吗?知道现在加拿大的国防部养了多少懒人吗?知道这些懒人工资福利有多好吗?
最初由 丫丫 发布
I am sorry to tell you that it is almost impossible to ask Canadian, and Canadian Government stop offering humanity help to people who are in need worldwide neither to people inside Canada even just for a visit, too. Did you get hurt when you knew that Canadian Government offered so much money to those Asian contries for disaster relefe recently?---and those money were not thrown into your medicare system!....you think the money may or maynot spend on you are pennies in your pokect,too bad.
最初由 andy0 发布
最初由 andy0 发布
客观地说两句。I do not think there are much left to discuss about this problem. For people who are benefiting from, who will benefit from or who just support family reunion for humanity reason, even they are not going to benefit from it, they would support it anyways.最初由 Caohaoying 发布
最初由 Caohaoying 发布
最初由 andy0 发布
如果说用TAX PAYER的钱,有更多值得你去CONCERN的地方,有更多花大钱的地方,知道这个新的BUDGET吗?13BILLION要花在军费上,而医疗只有2个BILLION!!!知道一艘潜艇要多少钱吗?知道一架F16要多少钱吗?知道现在加拿大的国防部养了多少懒人吗?知道这些懒人工资福利有多好吗?
最初由 丫丫 发布
客观地说两句。I do not think there are much left to discuss about this problem. For people who are benefiting from, who will benefit from or who just support family reunion for humanity reason, even they are not going to benefit from it, they would support it anyways.
最初由 渐渐 发布
I agree with you that these are better approaches to shorten the backlog, and I'm certainly willing to do that.
I've said this before: humanitarian ground is perhaps the ONLY card the immigrants can play in this case. Those who keep screaming bloody murder need to come to terms with the reality: if it's not for the free health care and other social benefits, a visitor's visa would be more than enough to enjoy 天伦之乐.
Oh hoho, sorry to be stupid Canadian with immigration policy accepting refugees around the world, with out sorting out the wealthy ones, healthy ones and build-in health medical insurence come alone with them.....eh?最初由 Xiaomimi 发布
Every Chinese in Canada hate the following 2 things about Canada:
1)Extremely high taxation.
2)A medicare system with long waiting list.
Get more elderly parents in will only make the above two much worse.
Sorry, we really can't afford this kind of "humanity" any more.