Questions about RRSP, Thanks!

最初由 sean 发布
last day is Mar 1st. not Feb 28. I do not think you can buy RRSP this year. Because you do not have room.

Why I don't have room to buy? I don't understand...:( :( :(
最初由 挺傻 发布
你所买的RRSP不是说必须到65岁才可以取出,你可以根据你的收入情况取出.根据你取出的数额,会有withholding tax,比如五千以下是10%,五千到一万五是20%等等.这些WITHHOLDING TAX到年底的时候根据你当年的收入统一考虑是该多交税还是该获得credit.一般来讲,你取出的时候会有一次性的费用,大约是在25块左右,如果你有非常充分的理由或者是特定原因,可能给你免去.

I started to make money from Jan, 2004 (ie. I don't have income in 2003). Does it mean I can't buy RRSP in 2004 or even I buy RRSP I still can't claim it when I file my 2004 tax report?
Anyway, my question is:
I started to make money from Jan, 2004. When can I start to take the advantage of deducting tax via buying RRSP? Since I might not stay in Canada long, I'd like to take the advantage of RRSP as soon as possible. Many Thanks!
In theory, you do not have rrsp room at this moment, which you can use to deduct your taxable income (the money you earned since Jan. 2004 until Dec. 31, 2004). After filing tax this year, you will receive an assesment notice, there you will find you rrsp room that you can use to file tax return in 2006.
最初由 挺傻 发布



方法二,买足10000块,接着以后的每个月,从CRA要来一个每月交RRSP的表格,直接从工资里扣出,免去公司给你先缴税,再退税的投资时间差 (我们公司很多人就是这样做的)



最初由 aityes 发布

I started to make money from Jan, 2004 (ie. I don't have income in 2003). Does it mean I can't buy RRSP in 2004 or even I buy RRSP I still can't claim it when I file my 2004 tax report?
Anyway, my question is:
I started to make money from Jan, 2004. When can I start to take the advantage of deducting tax via buying RRSP? Since I might not stay in Canada long, I'd like to take the advantage of RRSP as soon as possible. Many Thanks!

Yes, but you don't have income in 2003 and therefore, you don't have RRSP quota for 2004.

Yes, you can start to contribute RRSP regularly from now on for 2005 tax return. In this case, you don't have to be in a hurry as the deadline is March 1, 2006. However, you cann't claim them in 2004 tax return and therefore, won't get any refund (if there is any) from 2004 tax return. By as someone pointed here, it's better to buy RRSP on regular basis, better let company directly deduct from your paycheck. That will reduce the tax you paid to government on each pay and at the same time, you have more time to invest this money, as comapred with you buy it once when the deadline is close.

As for where to invest RRSP, I think you can simply put it into a GIC like Money Market first (not locked as term GIC) and then search
for the right way to invest, you can always transfer the money from Money Market to that later.
最初由 lifeisfun 发布

you don't have income in 2003 and therefore, you don't have RRSP quota for 2004.

最初由 aityes 发布

Why I don't have room to buy? I don't understand...:( :( :(

最初由 qwer 发布


Thanks for everyone's prompt answer. I do appreciate...
The reason I keep asking my RRSP is because I called CIBC and they told me as long as I buy it before March 1st, the RRSP I buy is tax deductable for tax year 2004.
But based on you guys'answers, it looks like CIBC is come?! Aren't they supposed to be "professional"?!
最初由 aityes 发布

Thanks for everyone's prompt answer. I do appreciate...
The reason I keep asking my RRSP is because I called CIBC and they told me as long as I buy it before March 1st, the RRSP I buy is tax deductable for tax year 2004.
But based on you guys'answers, it looks like CIBC is come?! Aren't they supposed to be "professional"?!

CIBC 没有错呀,他们怎么知道你有没有RRSP room. 你如果有RRSP room for 2004. March 1,2005 以前买的当然可以报在2004 Tax year.
最初由 sean 发布


You have to pay the tax on that additional 5000, don't you. How can it be tax sheltered. Or, you mean the capital gain generated by that 5000 is tax sheltered. If that is the case, why don't you put 300,000 in the RRSP the first year, and don't contribute the rest of your life.
5000的Capital gain是Under shelter, 5000 is after tax.


最初由 fuzzy 发布

You have to pay the tax on that additional 5000, don't you. How can it be tax sheltered. Or, you mean the capital gain generated by that 5000 is tax sheltered. If that is the case, why don't you put 300,000 in the RRSP the first year, and don't contribute the rest of your life.
最初由 sean 发布
5000的Capital gain是Under shelter, 5000 is after tax.


My understanding is : Penalties apply if your RRSP contains more than $2000 of un-deductible contributions. Please correct me if I am wrong.
我有$10,000的room,同时2004年,年收入是$60,000。我现在买了$15,000,在2005年,也就是现在,Claim $10,000, 我把5000 defer到 2006再Claim,可以吗?

最初由 fuzzy 发布

My understanding is : Penalties apply if your RRSP contains more than $2000 of un-deductible contributions. Please correct me if I am wrong.
最初由 sean 发布
我有$10,000的room,同时2004年,年收入是$60,000。我现在买了$15,000,在2005年,也就是现在,Claim $10,000, 我把5000 defer到 2006再Claim,可以吗?

Ok, I see. You mean take adventage of the contribution made right now can either claimed in Tax year 2004 or claimed Tax year 2005.
You can take this advantage to the end of the RRSP contribution! Before the $5,000 being the over contribution, take $3,000 out from RRSP avoid the penalty. Thus all of the gain from $5,000 are under shelter.

最初由 fuzzy 发布

Ok, I see. You mean take adventage of the contribution made right now can either claimed in Tax year 2004 or claimed Tax year 2005.