最初由 Red Oak 发布
最初由 tigerwoods 发布
It is very hard for 40-50 years old people to work in IT or professional technical job. Usually in China, 40-50 years old can move to management work which is hard to be manager position here.
40-50 years old here will be good to be a convenience store owner that may be a practical approach.
还好意思说看谁先挑起的! 那好, 你也还记得这是回答你的上一贴的:最初由 challenger 发布
最初由 timmy 发布
本人再怎么失败, 好歹今天还住在自己的"洋房"里, 也还没有打过一天的"累脖"工. 华人多了, 我一直觉得是好事. 拜读过你的一些贴子, 感觉生活中你是一个刻薄的人, 什么事都可以牵扯到"Loser".
最初由 challenger 发布
最初由 mzhan084 发布
We immigranted to Canada because our child cannot enter a good university in China (now she is a student at University of Western Ontario, one of the top 5 universities in the country). In my opinion, people like you are already behind my daughter's generation: You did not get Canadian high school education; you are not in a prestigious university (OU is second class, not mention Carlton or Agonguin);Your English is not as good as my daughter's; You don't have resident identity (roots); You don't have family here. In a word, you don't have strong reasons to stay in Canada.