


最初由 Red Oak 发布

最初由 阡陌 发布



最初由 lifeisfun 发布

Now, even you hold Canadian passport, the China custom officials won't give you happy face either. They see too many such passports.
最初由 闲得慌 发布

I am answering this question:

I am not kidding
可是我看到CARLETON UNIV.学校的教授每年的收入表,只有几个系主任收入可以达到100,000加元以上.其他大部分都在80,000加元每年左右.
最初由 Red Oak 发布



It is very hard for 40-50 years old people to work in IT or professional technical job. Usually in China, 40-50 years old can move to management work which is hard to be manager position here.
40-50 years old here will be good to be a convenience store owner that may be a practical approach.
最初由 cucapila 发布

最初由 tigerwoods 发布

It is very hard for 40-50 years old people to work in IT or professional technical job. Usually in China, 40-50 years old can move to management work which is hard to be manager position here.
40-50 years old here will be good to be a convenience store owner that may be a practical approach.

as a convenience store owner, how much will the 40-50 years old earn per year approximately?
最初由 Red Oak 发布
最初由 Red Oak 发布

as a convenience store owner, how much will the 40-50 years old earn per year approximately?

30000-80000 depends on location and customers.
I am in Canada cuz it is a port to the States. it is easy to immig. to Canada, and get the citizenship. and all you need for working in States is talk to the officer for 5 min when you cross the border.

so if you want to charge the states, stay, otherwise, I would say, you can do more than what you think in China than in Canada.
最初由 challenger 发布

最初由 timmy 发布
本人再怎么失败, 好歹今天还住在自己的"洋房"里, 也还没有打过一天的"累脖"工. 华人多了, 我一直觉得是好事. 拜读过你的一些贴子, 感觉生活中你是一个刻薄的人, 什么事都可以牵扯到"Loser".
 还好意思说看谁先挑起的! 那好, 你也还记得这是回答你的上一贴的:
最初由 challenger 发布

And you can be a VISA free traveller to most of the regions globally.
Re: Re: 真心请教问题.为什么要移民?为什么要移民加拿大?为什么要成为加拿大公民?

最初由 mzhan084 发布

We immigranted to Canada because our child cannot enter a good university in China (now she is a student at University of Western Ontario, one of the top 5 universities in the country). In my opinion, people like you are already behind my daughter's generation: You did not get Canadian high school education; you are not in a prestigious university (OU is second class, not mention Carlton or Agonguin);Your English is not as good as my daughter's; You don't have resident identity (roots); You don't have family here. In a word, you don't have strong reasons to stay in Canada.

Very chinese thinking. You sacraficed for your child, eh?

Being in a good university in canada is nothing, regardless what you take. Everyone took high school knows how easy to get in a GOOD university. I am in Carleton. SO WHAT? I got accepted by Mcgill, Queens, UT, UW. I can be there if I want. I applied just for shutting up school name nerds like you. Your child is here just becuz she can't get in a good university in China, eh? what is the term calling these people?

The point of Canadian HS education nothing about the nowladge, but the involvement. So did your dauter got involve over 100 hrs per year when she was in her high school? (100hrs is below the avg, by the way)

How do you know international students don't have english as good as your daughter? Just because the ENG mark? wow, good marks, eh? She is just a 2nd generation immigrant. A generation behind ... you are the one who is really behind.

I dont' know why you said whatever you did, maybe you are trying to be helpful, I don't like the way you delivered it. Don't think you/your daughter is better than anyone else, YOU ARE NOT!