最初由 Justin Luo 发布
Very chinese thinking. You sacraficed for your child, eh?
Being in a good university in canada is nothing, regardless what you take. Everyone took high school knows how easy to get in a GOOD university. I am in Carleton. SO WHAT? I got accepted by Mcgill, Queens, UT, UW. I can be there if I want. I applied just for shutting up school name nerds like you. Your child is here just becuz she can't get in a good university in China, eh? what is the term calling these people?
The point of Canadian HS education nothing about the nowladge, but the involvement. So did your dauter got involve over 100 hrs per year when she was in her high school? (100hrs is below the avg, by the way)
How do you know international students don't have english as good as your daughter? Just because the ENG mark? wow, good marks, eh? She is just a 2nd generation immigrant. A generation behind ... you are the one who is really behind.
I dont' know why you said whatever you did, maybe you are trying to be helpful, I don't like the way you delivered it. Don't think you/your daughter is better than anyone else, YOU ARE NOT!