
最初由 ccc 发布

方法: 1 将大门锁好 听见什么声也别开门
2 拉上窗帘
3 将电闸在一分钟内开关500次 直至他家灯不亮为止
4 第二天进一批灯泡到他们家去卖

最初由 movement 发布
方法: 1 将大门锁好 听见什么声也别开门
2 拉上窗帘
3 将电闸在一分钟内开关500次 直至他家灯不亮为止
4 第二天进一批灯泡到他们家去卖

最初由 movement 发布
方法: 1 将大门锁好 听见什么声也别开门
2 拉上窗帘
3 将电闸在一分钟内开关500次 直至他家灯不亮为止
4 第二天进一批灯泡到他们家去卖

Re: Re: Re: 干吗不平分,找你邻居谈呗,你又没偷电。

最初由 如果时光可以倒流 发布
:cool: 别上来就是整人的主意。都是租的房子,人家是不是不知道呢,问清楚先。
This is what I don't understand: are there multiple meters installed in the same house? Why would you say that your room-mate (note not your neighbor) is "stealing" from you? Don't you guys share the cost of electricity? If you don't agree with the distribution, why don't you talk to the homeowner about it?

There is usually only one electrical panel in the basement that controls the entire house, of course if you pull the switch off, the entire house is out of power, including your roommate, but does that prove anything?

I really don't understand your problem.

最初由 datamine 发布

you totally misunderstand

最初由 渐渐 发布
This is what I don't understand: are there multiple meters installed in the same house? Why would you say that your room-mate (note not your neighbor) is "stealing" from you? Don't you guys share the cost of electricity? If you don't agree with the distribution, why don't you talk to the homeowner about it?

There is usually only one electrical panel in the basement that controls the entire house, of course if you pull the switch off, the entire house is out of power, including your roommate, but does that prove anything?

I really don't understand your problem.

first, no roommate mentioned here
second, there several appartments in the house(usually, houses in Hull are such kind of), every appartment has a meter on the wall of the big basement
third, of course, I switched my meter, there is a number mark on it, my neighbour is another one on the wall.
fourth, I informed the landlord, he promised to check last weekend, but he didnot come.
Oh it's a condo unit within an apartment building, I get it now. You kept saying "house", and it's NOT a house by the common meaning. Actually your description is quite confusing (no offence), but with help from ccc's comment, I think your best solution is to contact your landlord, and perhaps threaten to go to the Regie du Logement office to file a complaint if he doesn't come.
It is still called house

最初由 渐渐 发布
Oh it's a condo unit within an apartment building, I get it now. You kept saying "house", and it's NOT a house by the common meaning. Actually your description is quite confusing (no offence), but with help from ccc's comment, I think your best solution is to contact your landlord, and perhaps threaten to go to the Regie du Logement office to file a complaint if he doesn't come.
Thanks for your reply.
same shape with house.
As far as I know, most houses in Hull contain more than one appartment.