最初由 寻梦人 发布
My pleasure to get your opinion, one of my most famous HK actresses!
To be frank with U, my most strength is that I am willing to take critisisms for any my point of view and always to try to keep learning more from books, news, observation, experience, and net discussion.
My point is: If U don't agree on my point that the current Chinese government is weak, educate me with some convincing arguments pls.
I enjoy discussing such issues and never take any of these personal & emotional![]()
最初由 张曼玉 发布
My opinoin is, at least Chinese goverment would not do nothing effective in such economy depression as present in Canada.
最初由 sage 发布
How do you even compare the Chinese government to the Canadian government?! Does the Chinese government pay for up to 1 year of employment insurance (by the way, it's only a neutral term for umemployment insurance)? Does the Chinese government pay for the health benefits? Does the Chinese government provide professinal training for you free of charge?
Recession is a normal fact in a capitalistic country. It goes in cycles, so 2 years ago Nortel stock was at its peak 124.5 Canadian dollars, now you can't even buy a decent cup of coffee with the market value of one Nortel share. This is all part of the normal growth of economy. What exactly do you expect a government to do for you? Garantee you with a job for life? You'll have to be born with a silver spoon.
最初由 张曼玉 发布
Sorry, no potential meaning of personal attack.
Time should not be an issue for any such discussion. The topic may be so simple or so complicated depending on individual perspective最初由 张曼玉 发布
Writing a simple sentence is just because the topic is too complicated to describe clearly as time permit.
最初由 张曼玉 发布
BTW, I have been seriously considering of getting back to China. Canada is good, Hollywood is better, but here is not my stage, at least there is no glaring heroine like Jin Xiangyu, Song Qingling and Ruan Lingyu for Asian actresses and artists as we can create in China and Asia.
在前文中我已经谈到一部分农民的惨状。最初由 张曼玉 发布