最初由 张曼玉 发布
说到外交,我认为中国政府这几年的外交政策总的来说是成功的。When the US fight jet invades Chinese space territory。。。类似的事件发生时,我们应该怎么做?外交是要以实力为后盾的,意气用事不仅没用,有时吃亏的还可能是自己。现时中国在中美关系中可打的牌不如对手,硬碰硬显然不是聪明的方法。况且我们看到的都是桌面上的,桌面下的,中国人还是在争取自己的最大利益。
When the US fight jet invades Chinese space territory。。。类似的事件发生时, shouldn't the Chinese government fight back? In your view, the Chinese government should keep giving away more and more territory for 中国的国际地位? What a logic! Where do you put the dignity of the Chinese people? What have we the Chinese people spent so much on tanks, fight jets, and canons for?
On the other hand, the Chinese government was determined to use all the advanced gun machines to shoot on so many innocent students due to their peaceful demonstrations many years ago. You probably argue that it is required for 和平有利的国内经济建设.
You would never think the root solution to all this and that problem: to destroy this autocratic CPP party government or replace it with a multi-party democratic government.
My last thinking: the Chinese government should never promise to the Taiwan government that somebody in Taiwan may be "selected" as Vice-Chairman when Taiwan returns to China. If the Chinese government someday dare to promise Taiwan that we would compete for a multi-party political system for the united China, that we would pursue a fair political campaign to elect each party's leader, and that we would put all these African country financial aids to assist the most unfortunate farmers in mainland China to get their kids/grandkids back to school, to relieve some tax burden, and to have them equal access to the health care system, then I strongly believe that Taiwan will join mainland even if mainland rejects, that you, me, s/he lots of overseas Chinese people will go back giving away Canadian, American, England citizenship, and that a united and democratic China would be one of the strongest in the world. Isn't this all our Chinese people have been dreaming for?