最初由 abby 发布
I agree what 老顽童 said.
When we just arrived to Canada, we all enjoyed the transportation infrustructure, health care and other benefit immediately. At that time, we have not paid any tax yet. I guess most of time when we enjoy the benefit of the society, we may not even notice it.
I am not saying that Canada is perfect. But I do appreciate all the help I recieved from the governement, including student loan. The interest rate of the first half year and during studying was paid by the government. In my eyes, Canadian government is more sympatic to the disvantaged group of the country.
The reason why I don't take everything for granted and why I don't mind paying my tax to support the disadvantaged in Canada today, volunteering sometimes, and participating in some community events in this second hometown:
When I arrived in Canada, I was and am still very grateful to all the help from not only the Canadian government but also the old Chinese immigrants.
When my application for student loan was approved, I appreciated the Canadian government's unselfish support and still do that.
When I had my first baby and did not have to worry about any medical expenses here some 10 years ago, I was again and am still very grateful to this great Canadian government for taking care of the disadvantaged.
When I was laid off quite a few years ago, I was and am still very grateful to this government for paying all the expenses to get me re-training in order to get back to work.
When I have received so much from this country, from its volunteers, and from its taxpayers, should I show some appreciation? Should I rethink why so many Chinese people from all over the world come here to prosper, to contribute, but not just take? Should I still complain so much for some temporary adaptation frustrations? Should I take this great opportunity to advance myself for me, for my family, for my children, for my Chinese community, and for this new country?