精华 温哥华感想:移民是个错误

最初由 捶妮春 发布

You seem having more leisure time to write long paragraphs. I won't be able to do the follow-ups to share facts, which are already out there and ignored by somebody on purpose.

You jumped to personal things so fast that makes me laugh. LOL....

Funny. You mean what 闲得慌 cited are those facts.

Don't these facts have any effects on you? Don't you have any sympathy for these bottom level farmers in China? Do you believe that they, their children and their grandchildren are at fault for all the facts? Don't you think they as Chinese citizen should have equal access to the same social benefits as those enjoyed by the others in China? Don't you believe that they are the most unfortunate people in China?
最初由 捶妮春 发布

Well, you make the baloon bigger and bigger. Are you sure you can handle it? It seems out of the scope of your knowledge.

:D :(

I don't need to handle it, Ms.捶.

It is indeed out of our control but still falls within our knowledge.
There is nothing wrong to discuss this and that social phenomenon; otherwise, there would be no fun to log on this ComeFromChina website.

Agree, 捶小姐!?
最初由 陶德 发布



日本车俺不买,是日货,据说还不禁撞,一撞就玩完! 就是不考虑爱国,这性命还是要紧对吧? 咱农民的命即使不值钱,可也是命啊

美国车更不敢买了,没听北京上海那些城市人说美国车是垃圾么? 要是买个林肯之类的垃圾,还不让国内那些乡亲笑话死?!




最初由 abby 发布

I agree that in China taxi is much convinient than here. However I can't agree with what you said about BJ.

I just went to Beijing this spring. I was not impressed by the transportation. Half of the taxi drivers I met were cheating. The traffic jam was awful during rush hours. Even the tourist guide himself said BJ's need better transportation infrustructure.I only stayed there for 3 days. Maybe just bad luck.

As bus in Ottawa, it depands on which one you are taking. 95, 97 are only 5 minutes interval. Plus you can always plan your ride using the schedule. It's quite accountable, not always of cause. I am not a big fan of OC transpo but at least we have to be fair.

Bike:) You may not know bike is not the major transportation tool in Ottawa.:-P. You should try the bike trail here for fun. It's awsome.

As I said, living in Canada may not be everyone's life. But I just can't buy anything you said :). It strikes me that the reason you don't like here is because you don't know here very well :-p.

最初由 abby 发布

I agree in China, taxi is much convinient than here. However I can't agree with what you said about BJ.

I just went to Beijing this spring. I was not impressed by the transportation. Half of the taxi drivers I met were cheating. The traffic jam was awful during rush hours. Even the tourist guide himself said BJ's need better transportation infrustructure.I only stayed there for 3 days. Maybe just bad luck.

As bus in Ottawa, it depands on which one you are taking. 95, 97 are only 5 minutes interval. Plus you can always plan your ride using the schedule. It's quite accountable, not always of cause. I am not big fan of OC transpo but at least we have to be fair.

Bike:) You may not know bike is not the major transportation tool in Ottawa.:-P. You should try the bike trail here for fun not to get somewhere. It's awsome.

As I said, living in Canada may not be everyone's life. But I just can't buy anything you said :). It strike me that the reason you don't like here because you don't know here very well. :-p.

您说的没错! 北京堵车是常事,这也是所有大城市的通病。东京,巴黎等莫不如此,渥太华是个小城市,很少堵车确实不错。但行路难也是个不容否认的事实。


更可怕的还是这里的生存环境对华人幼儿和小孩心灵的摧残! 华人小孩很少能与白人黑人小孩玩在一块儿的,一般都是几个华人同学一起玩,被游离于众人之外,容易造成心灵扭曲和怪僻啊
最初由 捶妮春 发布

So, you discuss social phenomena based on what?

Facts, observations, experience, news, and of course net
最初由 陶德 发布

您说的没错! 北京堵车是常事,这也是所有大城市的通病。东京,巴黎等莫不如此,渥太华是个小城市,很少堵车确实不错。但行路难也是个不容否认的事实。


更可怕的还是这里的生存环境对华人幼儿和小孩心灵的摧残! 华人小孩很少能与白人黑人小孩玩在一块儿的,一般都是几个华人同学一起玩,被游离于众人之外,容易造成心灵扭曲和怪僻啊

I don't think 行路难也是个不容否认的事实 but it seems that I can't convice you :)

As for the education, I don't agree with you. At least,I do not miss anything I learnt in the middle school when I was in China.I wish I went to school here. In my eyes, most of "basic staff" I learnt in middle school was more useful in test than in real life. I like the education system here better since I find it protects the creativity and curiousity of the children. A school is suppose to inspire students to study not to pressure them to do so. It's just based on my personal experince and observations. You don't have to agree with me. Just a different opionion.

"华人小孩很少能与白人黑人小孩玩在一块儿的" This is BS. :-P I have to say. Almost all kids I know here they play with all kinds of kids as long as they are in the same neighborhood. However if the parents keep having racial issue in their mind, it may make the kids harder to mingle with the kids from other ethnic group.
最初由 陶德 发布

更可怕的还是这里的生存环境对华人幼儿和小孩心灵的摧残! 华人小孩很少能与白人黑人小孩玩在一块儿的,一般都是几个华人同学一起玩,被游离于众人之外,容易造成心灵扭曲和怪僻啊



最初由 VeryIratedPerson 发布
俺家孩子和哪个人种的孩子都能玩,过Birthday Party孩子自己请来的朋友
最初由 Melody 发布

俺家孩子和哪个人种的孩子都能玩,过Birthday Party孩子自己请来的朋友


要知道,光受点心灵摧残,性格怪僻也就认了。但长大之后还很可能被人叫做"黄香蕉",(更悲惨的是生在这里的,被叫做ABC,BBC,...). 多...多...多难听啊??:blowzy: :crying:

所以,有识之士都选择把孩子送会国内读小学去了。没准,就抱个奥数的大奖章回来,多神气呀! :cool: :cool: :cool:
最初由 陶德 发布


要知道,光受点心灵摧残,性格怪僻也就认了。但长大之后还很可能被人叫做"黄香蕉",(更悲惨的是生在这里的,被叫做ABC,BBC,...). 多...多...多难听啊??:blowzy: :crying:

所以,有识之士都选择把孩子送会国内读小学去了。没准,就抱个奥数的大奖章回来,多神气呀! :cool: :cool: :cool:

Well, I can't agree with your evaluation standard. For my kids, I hope they could be :

Self-respect and respect other people.
Self-love and love other people.

I don't care what kind of eduction level they could have, just have the enough knowledge for living is OK.
最初由 陶德 发布

所以,有识之士都选择把孩子送会国内读小学去了。没准,就抱个奥数的大奖章回来,多神气呀! :cool: :cool: :cool:
最初由 Melody 发布



最初由 陶德 发布

