
Re: Re: Re: Re: 道义上支持父母团聚移民

最初由 Random 发布

加拿大政府好象不允许一起申请吧. 即使表面上可以, 也无人敢这么做. 这是死路一条, 白交钱.

设想一下,我们都办父母过来,即便不办祖父母,比例有多高?夫妻两人,办四个老人过来 -- 1:2。那么,本来就老龄化的加国,20-30年后,人口老化会到什么程度?这点,制定移民法的人,恐怕早就算过。即便永远不说,他们具体操作的时候,会控制的。
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 道义上支持父母团聚移民

最初由 ccc 发布

设想一下,我们都办父母过来,即便不办祖父母,比例有多高?夫妻两人,办四个老人过来 -- 1:2。那么,本来就老龄化的加国,20-30年后,人口老化会到什么程度?这点,制定移民法的人,恐怕早就算过。即便永远不说,他们具体操作的时候,会控制的。
Please provide detailed infomation on how to apply immigration with parents, especially where to fill in their names and info in the application forms if there IS any space for person other than spouse and children as dependents, or what special form to get from CIC for parents come to Canada together with the principle applicant.
If not SHUT UP .....and WORK HARDER!---Millions on welfare are depend on YOU ,:smokin:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 道义上支持父母团聚移民

最初由 fido 发布

Please provide detailed infomation on how to apply immigration with parents, especially where to fill in their names and info in the application forms if there IS any space for person other than spouse and children as dependents, or what special form to get from CIC for parents come to Canada together with the principle applicant.
If not SHUT UP .....and WORK HARDER!---Millions on welfare are depend on YOU ,:smokin:

This forum follows the principle of freedom of speech, I guess. Yet, I heard your barks. Thanks!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 道义上支持父母团聚移民

最初由 ccc 发布

设想一下,我们都办父母过来,即便不办祖父母,比例有多高?夫妻两人,办四个老人过来 -- 1:2。那么,本来就老龄化的加国,20-30年后,人口老化会到什么程度?这点,制定移民法的人,恐怕早就算过。即便永远不说,他们具体操作的时候,会控制的。

ZT 王又辛:这种情况是客观事实,很多人都持有这样的观点,而且。但是,我要说明,加拿大本身就是移民国家,制定移民政策的时候已经考虑到这些人可能会申请父母过来;加拿大的移民法里就有父母移民的条款。我们要求的不是更改法律,而是希望法律的执行部门――移民部要按照法律的规定去执行,有意拖延是不对的。要说到老人对加拿大社会的负担问题,主要的还是医疗保障的问题,其他象老人金,我想10年内这些老人都不太可能申请得到。我们经常听到国际上总是攻击中国的人权,我们也都同意加拿大的人权状况很好。那么,父母移民本身就是人权,也是法律规定的。
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 道义上支持父母团聚移民

最初由 support 发布

ZT 王又辛:这种情况是客观事实,很多人都持有这样的观点,而且。但是,我要说明,加拿大本身就是移民国家,制定移民政策的时候已经考虑到这些人可能会申请父母过来;加拿大的移民法里就有父母移民的条款。我们要求的不是更改法律,而是希望法律的执行部门――移民部要按照法律的规定去执行,有意拖延是不对的。要说到老人对加拿大社会的负担问题,主要的还是医疗保障的问题,其他象老人金,我想10年内这些老人都不太可能申请得到。我们经常听到国际上总是攻击中国的人权,我们也都同意加拿大的人权状况很好。那么,父母移民本身就是人权,也是法律规定的。

Agree with you.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 道义上支持父母团聚移民

最初由 ccc 发布

This forum follows the principle of freedom of speech, I guess. Yet, I heard your barks. Thanks!
Ho Ho, if your principle of speech is barking your lies loudly...what else would you like others to response?
If you are so much interested in this issue, do your homework, get yourself some basic knowledge of Sponsoring parents and grandparents program to Canada before open your mouth...,if it was like what you said as 当然是允许一起申请, don't you think that if parents could apply with the principle applicant to come to Canada before they could settle down in this country and be eligible to sponsor their parents to immigrant would make the Sponsorship program no way to exist in this system at all?use your brain and then freedom of speech.
我来做点功课,作为技术移民,在申请移民的时候,要先决定谁是主申请人,其他人算作family member,那么父母,祖父母算不算家庭成员呢,NO!

[From http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/guides/EG74.html]

"If you have a spouse or common-law partner, you must decide which of you will be the principal applicant; the other person will be considered a family member. Use the self-assessment worksheet to determine which of you would score the most points. This person should be the principal applicant.

Note: A common-law partner is a person of the same or opposite sex who has lived with you in a conjugal relationship for a period of at least one year.

A family member is a spouse, common-law partner or dependent child included in your application. "

Hello everyone,

1. Two weeks after the big announcement, the CPC Mississauga is still "processing" applications from the same date - June 24, 2003. The processing time has actually INCREASED to 22-23 months.

2. The situation overseas is not better. Fax sent from the Beijing Embassy on April 26 (8 days after the announcement) advised an applicant that "We are currently finalizing applications received in 2002 and will NOT CONTINUE processing applications received in 2003 UNTIL 2006 OR 2007. Applicants in the parents and grandparents category are experiencing longer processing times and the processing times may continue to GROW LONGER. Given the importance of meeting our target of economic immigrants, the goals of our humanitarian program, and the priority we place on processing close family members first, we have to make difficult choices. This means that, at this time, applicants in the parents and grandparents category are experiencing longer processing times and the processing times may continue to GROW LONGER.?/SPAN>

3. A phone conversation that happened TODAY between an applicant and CPC Mississauga. It took 3 DAYS for the call to get through!
Q: Could you please tell me the estimated new processing time for the parents' sponsorship applications?
A: We have not implemented the new procedures, yet and are waiting for the instructions on how we are going to speed-up the process.
Q: A new policy regarding a multiple-entry visa has been announced. My parents have contacted the Embassy in. They've been told that no instructions have been issued to the overseas officers and those who had applied for the immigration could not apply for the visitor's visas.
A: We advise that you refer these people to our web-site that provides for the new announcements, i.e. fax them this information and let them know about the changes.
Q: It looks like it will take 6 years (110,000-backlog divided by 18,000-new quota) to get the approval.
A: We have new information here that it will take 4 years to process the application.
Q: But how are you going to clean up the backlog and make it 4 years, when the actual calculation is 6 years? This way they will have to allow more than 18,000 applications to be processed!? Mr. Volpe has never mentioned this.
A: Well, actually 4 years is the new processing time that includes the processing time overseas. So, it is 2 years here in Mississauga and 2 years overseas. This is the new information that we have now. I don't know how the backlog will be cleaned up. This is something that we don't have the answer to.

Our comments:

1. Nothing has changed. Same old stuff about ?ifficult choices?

2. We (not the immigration department) have to let the overseas officers know about the changes?

3. People in CPC Mississauga have been told to lie once again.

Sponsor Your Parents Committee
Joe Volpe is a cheater

Do you think we win? NO! Because Joe Volpe is a cheater!

Look at this fax I just got from Beijing Embassy.

Fax Date: April 26, 2005 (This is 8 days later after Joe Volpe announced

We are currently finalizing applications received in 2002 and will NOT CONTINUE processing applications received in 2003 UNTIL 2006 OR 2007. By the end of 2005, we will be able to provide a more accurate processing time for applications received in 2003 and 2004. Given the importance of meeting our target of economic immigrants, the goals of our humnaitarian program, and the priority we place on processing close family members first, we have to make difficult choices. This means that, at this time, applicants in the parents and grandparents category are experiencing longer processing times and the processing times may continue to GROW LONGER. We understand that longer processing times can be frustrating for those seeking to bring family members to Canada, but we hope that this information will help explian the delays that some are experiencing when sponsoring parents or grandparents. ....

Besides of this, have you seen the sponsorship application processing time was changed in CIC website? NO!

All these facts means Joe Volpe is just making a big pie in the air! What a cheater!

So, we should continue to fight together and try to make a real difference!

Joe Volpe's comments on parental immigration issue

« Part of the commitment this country made to skilled immigrants and entrepreneurs when they arrived was that, after they were established, they could apply to sponsor their parents or grandparents. For many cultural communities, these parents are an enormous part of their daily life, and their concept of immediate family includes them. As a country, we must keep our commitments to this group, and we must also be culturally sensitive to their different attitudes of family. »

Joe Volpe,
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
This is what I got on Apr 27th. So far nothing updated on the website they sited.


As per the news release of April 18th 2005
The Honourable Joe Volpe, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, announced measures to speed up the processing of sponsorship applications for parents and grandparents coming to Canada as family class immigrants.

Our office will be posting a notice on our web site shortly, we ask that you visit this page in the coming weeks for more information:


Due to the high level of applications in process we are unable to provide detailed information on how the new measures will effect your parent's individual application.

Our office is unable to provide confirmation for each document delivered.

Visa and Immigration Section

Canadian Embassy, Beijing
19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District Beijing, PRC 100600

Tel: (86-10) 6532-3031
Fax: (86-10) 6532-1684
Web site: www.beijing.gc.ca
E-mail : beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca

加国无忧 2005年05月05日,来源:世界日报

担保父母移民组织 (Sponsor Your Parents) 定于6月5日在安省省议会大楼 (Queen's Park) 前举行集会,再次向联邦移民部请愿,要求加快父母移民申请的处理程序。主办者预计有 3000人参加集会。

此组织于 3 月 11 日在移民部长胡平藻办公室门前举行了游行,虽要求与部长见面遭到拒绝,不过胡平藻于 4 月 18 日公布了政府将增加父母移民名额的新政策。



担保父母移民的代表 Michael Mostyn 表示,每个父母移民申请人的子女都要向移民部交上不退还的 500 元申请费,并且很多人在初提出申请时便向移民部缴纳了日后父母的入境费 975 元 (每人) 。如今相关积压的案例高达 11 万个,可以想象得出联邦财政户上已进帐多少。他并说,即使移民部现将父母的配额从一年 6000 个增加 1 万 8000 个,还是低于 2003 年的水平。

世界日报近“天下子女心” 的系列专题报道,要求加快父母团聚类的移民申请程序

ZT www.51.ca
世界日报近日来做了一个“天下子女心” 的系列专题报道,要求加快父母团聚类的移民申请程序。每篇报道均由华人述说自己申请父母来加的心声以及如今落入无奈等待的心境。昨天的第一篇报道的题目是“父母已经 70 岁了,不知道还能等几年”,诉说了来多伦多移民六年多的吴佳开始为父母办理移民申请,如今一年多过去,连父母移民申请的个案号码(File No.) 还尚未拿到。