
最初由 support 发布
关于本次游行,希望反方看看想想,没想改变你 (转自 www.51.ca)



Are you guys planning to demonstrate today at CIC headquarter? There is a group of demonstrators outside CIC now.
最初由 DanceWithWolf 发布

Ask once again. May u show thess people's real names? Robert Lee is a Chinese?

Go to www.sponsoryourparents.ca. You can find the pictures and conact information of these brave guys. I don't think the real name is as that important. They did what they did is because they love their parents. Keep that mind, without them, Joe Volpe will never tell you there are toatl 100,00 backlogs under parental immigration category. Without them, Joe Volpe will collect your application fees continuously but never give you any chance to reunite with your parents. Solute to them.
最初由 渐渐 发布
Are you guys planning to demonstrate today at CIC headquarter? There is a group of demonstrators outside CIC now.

The sponsor you parent group is planning a demonstration on June. Tell me more detail about the demonstration today.
最初由 渐渐 发布
Are you guys planning to demonstrate today at CIC headquarter? There is a group of demonstrators outside CIC now.

Where is the CIC headquarter?

I believe these protestors are opposing parents immigrantion.
最初由 渐渐 发布
Are you guys planning to demonstrate today at CIC headquarter? There is a group of demonstrators outside CIC now.

where is the CIC headquarter?

365 Laurier. It's over now.

最初由 perlandc 发布

Where is the CIC headquarter?

I believe these protestors are opposing parents immigrantion.
最初由 support 发布

Go to www.sponsoryourparents.ca. You can find the pictures and conact information of these brave guys. I don't think the real name is as that important. They did what they did is because they love their parents. Keep that mind, without them, Joe Volpe will never tell you there are toatl 100,00 backlogs under parental immigration category. Without them, Joe Volpe will collect your application fees continuously but never give you any chance to reunite with your parents. Solute to them.

My question does make sense.
If Robert Lee is a native person rather than a Chinese guy, there could be many other assumptions. I may doubt his intention. If he is a Chinese, how could a Chinese person give up his own family name? He does not want to be a Chinese any more? If so, what is he involved into this event for?

最初由 DanceWithWolf 发布

My question does make sense.
If Robert Lee is a native person rather than a Chinese guy, there could be many other assumptions. I may doubt his intention. If he is a Chinese, how could a Chinese person give up his own family name? He does not want to be a Chinese any more? If so, what is he involved into this event for?

也许他们取英文名只是为了方便和鬼子交流,也或者本身就是自发自愿的一种行动,不愿意公布自己的真名又如何呢?这又不是为了获取什么资本,只不过在做自己觉得该做的,何必要去探究名字?就像我们大家在网上交流一样,又有谁用真名了?名字不就是一个代号吗?关键是做事的决心和行动。不是所有的人都愿意当出头的人的。 不至于要上升到抛弃中国人身份或者不要家族的姓名,况且我看他们也就是把名改了,并没有改姓呀?从个人来说我还是很佩服他们的勇气和毅力的,至少我不算一个很勇敢的人。我以为对自己想做不能够做到而别人却去做了的人应该多给一些宽容。当然我是指可以代表大家利益的事。

Volpe addresses backlog of older relatives
New funding should help decrease wait times


For the second time this year, I have to acknowledge that Citizenship and Immigration Minister Joe Volpe has taken positive steps to address a problem that has been featured time and again in this column ― the horrendous backlog for family-class immigration applications by parents and grandparents.

In late February, Volpe overturned the old rules that made it difficult for people who were in Canada illegally to apply to stay here through marriage ― correcting another longstanding glitch in the system.

On Monday, Volpe announced that the government is going to spend $72 million this year and next to triple the number of parents and grandparents who can immigrate to Canada, boosting the numbers from 6,000 to 18,000 per year.

The minister also promised to make it easier for parents and grandparents who are going through the sponsorship process to get visitor visas so they can come and see their family members while their applications are being processed.

What is remarkable is that it took so long for someone to recognize the problem with parental sponsorship and do something about it. Indeed, internal documents released last week made clear the immigration department imposed a sort of "mini-moratorium'' in 2002 on the processing of sponsorship applications involving parents and grandparents.

That helps explain why, prior to Volpe's announcement, the processing time for applications to bring parents and grandparents to Canada was forecast at seven or eight years in some immigration posts ― even though the immigration department website indicates it takes a couple of years to process these files.

A series of internal immigration department memos obtained by Vancouver researcher Richard Kurland spell out what scores of letters to the Star in recent months have made clear: the immigration department arbitrarily put the brakes on the sponsorship of parents and grandparents ― without express legal authority.

One of the memos, written by a senior immigration official in May 2002, suggests the officials fully expected to face legal action because of their decision to use administrative measures ― rather than the law or regulations ― to stem the flow of parents and grandparents.

"There is also the possibility of a legal challenge due to the fact that this will be done through (administrative) measures," one official wrote.

One internal memo shows that in mid-May 2002, senior immigration officials briefed former immigration minister Denis Coderre on their plan to slow down the processing of sponsorship applications involving parents and grandparents in order to increase the number of skilled-worker immigrants.

"In order to achieve desired mix and levels outcomes, either Parents & Grandparents and/or Asylum landings will need to be managed downward in 2002. (Spouses & Children will remain a priority, as will achieving landings targets for Skilled Workers.),'' the memo states.

Immigration officers in the field, obviously uncomfortable with their instructions to halt or slow down processing these sponsorship applications, questioned the wisdom of their instructions.

One immigration officer based in Trinidad dubbed the move a "mini-moratorium."

Immigration officials acknowledge that there is still a mounting backlog of family-class applications involving parents and grandparents of Canadian residents. Realistically, most of these applications will take years and years to process.

That may well be the hard reality of an immigration program that is not designed to take in anywhere near the number of parents and grandparents who meet the application criteria. Instead, we have made it our priority to bring in younger family-class immigrants and skilled workers.

But explain that harsh reality to applicants who applied in good conscience and paid their fees in anticipation that processing would take a couple of years. And explain the cursory fashion in which these applicants are treated. Applicants are routinely told:

Despite information to the contrary on the immigration department website, it will probably take six years to process your parents' application and;

Don't bother us with any more of your requests for an update ― we aren't going to reply.

I'm not making this up.

I got a letter recently from a Toronto man who applied in 2003 to sponsor his elderly mother to come to Canada from South Korea. When he applied in 2003, the information provided on the immigration department website indicated that the vast majority of such applications processed at the visa post in Seoul were taking at most 23 months to process. Some files were being processed in less than 18 months, the website indicated.

"I applied (for) family-class immigration two years ago for my mother. At that time, they said that it would take around two years. But now they said that it will take six years ... I think that they have to give us reasonable time before applying (to) immigration. This is too long for old people. They want old people to die early before immigration (is) approved. Please take a look at the email from Seoul, Korea."

This is the email message (with names removed to respect privacy) that the Toronto man received on Jan. 21 from an immigration officer working in Canada's embassy in Seoul:

"The processing times provided on the Citizenship and Immigration website are historical. They refer to processing times for cases finalised during the period, and are intended to provide a guideline to new applicants for how long processing of their applications may take; actual processing times for new applications may be different from those indicated on the website.

"As the information we have provided to you indicates, processing times for applications from sponsored parents are increasing and the trend of increasing processing times will continue. Applications for sponsored parents in Seoul are taking longer to finalise now than they did in the period up to October 2004. To directly answer your question as to how long processing of your mother's application may take, our best estimate of the processing time for applications received in June, 2003, based on current trends, is six years from the date of application. Within each category, applications are processed strictly on a first-in, first-out basis. No fees or additional payments will expedite processing.

"As we have stated previously, we understand that the current situation can be frustrating for those seeking to bring family members to Canada. We will contact your mother with further instructions for processing of her application within the processing time cited above.

"This office will not reply to further enquiries concerning your mother's application within this processing time. Sincerely, Immigration Section, Canadian Embassy, Seoul, Korea"

That's it.

Don't call us, we'll call you ― about six years from now.

One can only hope that since Volpe's announcement this week, would-be immigrants like the man in Seoul will be getting a call much sooner.

Email: immigration@thestar.ca. Fax: 416-869-4410.

Additional articles by Allan Thompson

Volpe addresses backlog of older relatives
New funding should help decrease wait times


For the second time this year, I have to acknowledge that Citizenship and Immigration Minister Joe Volpe has taken positive steps to address a problem that has been featured time and again in this column ― the horrendous backlog for family-class immigration applications by parents and grandparents.

In late February, Volpe overturned the old rules that made it difficult for people who were in Canada illegally to apply to stay here through marriage ― correcting another longstanding glitch in the system.

On Monday, Volpe announced that the government is going to spend $72 million this year and next to triple the number of parents and grandparents who can immigrate to Canada, boosting the numbers from 6,000 to 18,000 per year.

The minister also promised to make it easier for parents and grandparents who are going through the sponsorship process to get visitor visas so they can come and see their family members while their applications are being processed.

What is remarkable is that it took so long for someone to recognize the problem with parental sponsorship and do something about it. Indeed, internal documents released last week made clear the immigration department imposed a sort of "mini-moratorium'' in 2002 on the processing of sponsorship applications involving parents and grandparents.

That helps explain why, prior to Volpe's announcement, the processing time for applications to bring parents and grandparents to Canada was forecast at seven or eight years in some immigration posts ― even though the immigration department website indicates it takes a couple of years to process these files.

A series of internal immigration department memos obtained by Vancouver researcher Richard Kurland spell out what scores of letters to the Star in recent months have made clear: the immigration department arbitrarily put the brakes on the sponsorship of parents and grandparents ― without express legal authority.

One of the memos, written by a senior immigration official in May 2002, suggests the officials fully expected to face legal action because of their decision to use administrative measures ― rather than the law or regulations ― to stem the flow of parents and grandparents.

"There is also the possibility of a legal challenge due to the fact that this will be done through (administrative) measures," one official wrote.

One internal memo shows that in mid-May 2002, senior immigration officials briefed former immigration minister Denis Coderre on their plan to slow down the processing of sponsorship applications involving parents and grandparents in order to increase the number of skilled-worker immigrants.

"In order to achieve desired mix and levels outcomes, either Parents & Grandparents and/or Asylum landings will need to be managed downward in 2002. (Spouses & Children will remain a priority, as will achieving landings targets for Skilled Workers.),'' the memo states.

Immigration officers in the field, obviously uncomfortable with their instructions to halt or slow down processing these sponsorship applications, questioned the wisdom of their instructions.

One immigration officer based in Trinidad dubbed the move a "mini-moratorium."

Immigration officials acknowledge that there is still a mounting backlog of family-class applications involving parents and grandparents of Canadian residents. Realistically, most of these applications will take years and years to process.

That may well be the hard reality of an immigration program that is not designed to take in anywhere near the number of parents and grandparents who meet the application criteria. Instead, we have made it our priority to bring in younger family-class immigrants and skilled workers.

But explain that harsh reality to applicants who applied in good conscience and paid their fees in anticipation that processing would take a couple of years. And explain the cursory fashion in which these applicants are treated. Applicants are routinely told:

Despite information to the contrary on the immigration department website, it will probably take six years to process your parents' application and;

Don't bother us with any more of your requests for an update ― we aren't going to reply.

I'm not making this up.

I got a letter recently from a Toronto man who applied in 2003 to sponsor his elderly mother to come to Canada from South Korea. When he applied in 2003, the information provided on the immigration department website indicated that the vast majority of such applications processed at the visa post in Seoul were taking at most 23 months to process. Some files were being processed in less than 18 months, the website indicated.

"I applied (for) family-class immigration two years ago for my mother. At that time, they said that it would take around two years. But now they said that it will take six years ... I think that they have to give us reasonable time before applying (to) immigration. This is too long for old people. They want old people to die early before immigration (is) approved. Please take a look at the email from Seoul, Korea."

This is the email message (with names removed to respect privacy) that the Toronto man received on Jan. 21 from an immigration officer working in Canada's embassy in Seoul:

"The processing times provided on the Citizenship and Immigration website are historical. They refer to processing times for cases finalised during the period, and are intended to provide a guideline to new applicants for how long processing of their applications may take; actual processing times for new applications may be different from those indicated on the website.

"As the information we have provided to you indicates, processing times for applications from sponsored parents are increasing and the trend of increasing processing times will continue. Applications for sponsored parents in Seoul are taking longer to finalise now than they did in the period up to October 2004. To directly answer your question as to how long processing of your mother's application may take, our best estimate of the processing time for applications received in June, 2003, based on current trends, is six years from the date of application. Within each category, applications are processed strictly on a first-in, first-out basis. No fees or additional payments will expedite processing.

"As we have stated previously, we understand that the current situation can be frustrating for those seeking to bring family members to Canada. We will contact your mother with further instructions for processing of her application within the processing time cited above.

"This office will not reply to further enquiries concerning your mother's application within this processing time. Sincerely, Immigration Section, Canadian Embassy, Seoul, Korea"

That's it.

Don't call us, we'll call you ― about six years from now.

One can only hope that since Volpe's announcement this week, would-be immigrants like the man in Seoul will be getting a call much sooner.
ZT www.51.ca


加国无忧 2005年04月23日,来源:华报

2005年3月11日,以华人为主的多个族裔的移民人士约500人聚集在加拿大联邦移民部长Giuseppe Volpe位于多伦多的办公室,抗议移民部对父母团聚设置人为障碍。









王又辛:我知道政府的各个部门都有专人负责阅读每天的报纸,从中搜集跟本部门相关的各种民间的声音和信息,并且每天作出总结向上级汇报。借助媒体的力量,得到媒体的支持,在这次也做得很好。组织者之一的Karen Liang接受了多元文化Omni2电视台的采访,也接受了CBC广播第一套节目”Morning Canada”的专访,同时中文报纸在渥太华也采访了移民部的发言人,移民部发言人也透露了很多重要的信息,比如他们自己说“我们也知道中国人的父母移民来这里很多是为了看孩子”,这说明我们的诉求他们是知道的。
















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