
In my opinion, everyone should have his freedom to express his idea no matter what way he use. u have right to block him, but u do not have right to let him get out of this place. it is quiet rude to write out this no matter who u r.
till now i see no rude sentences from jyy, but from ......, really disappointed about teahouse now.
Besides even riven say nothing about this kind of language, why others should bother.
and i do not think sb can judge others according to his/her experience.

onething for melody, i know u r kind-hearted, but this time u should know at least who is rude.
最初由 Lynn 发布
猪头不在乎别人对我是褒是贬 我只知道comefromchina的卫生是需要大家保持的 茶馆的和平是需要大伙维护的 针对我个人 做什么事情无所谓 但是在茶馆 只要有人蓄意的制造影响别人身体健康的东西 我就是要说 就是要管
上学去了 希望晚上回来的时候 茶馆还是几天前的茶馆 猪头的这些不三不四阴阳怪气的文字也被老大给清理出去了 和平茶馆就是和平茶馆 从开张到现在每一幕都清晰的刻在猪头的大脑中

先骂个痛快, 再 扮 无辜, 高!! 不过 此 招 就是 太 老了 点.
Thanks for everyone.
Thanks for your support and understanding!
:thanks: :thanks: