太太 新手上路 注册 2004-04-01 消息 1,595 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-04-11 #16 最初由 乌鸦乌鸦 发布 支持,但是足球对我来说太神奇了,想不通最后一块皮怎么缝上去,我始终踢不下脚。 点击展开... 我踢足球这么多年,没想到过这个问题。真是惭愧啊。
帮 帮工 知名会员 注册 2005-03-31 消息 9 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 111 2005-04-11 #17 Re: [寻找] 愿意健身,减肥, 踢球的请进! 最初由 赤练仙子 发布 我们想找一些人一直踢足球。男女混合式。先定于每两周踢一次。 地点在CENTREPOINT。时间可以安排在周末太阳不烈的 时候。 女男有愿意踢足球的,或愿意当教练,进来报个到! 我想统计一下,看人气够不够开踢。 点击展开... 仙子, I strongly suggest that we play Ultimate instead of soccer. I think it is easier and more fun. Ultimate is American Football but with a frisbee. It is a non-contact sport so people are less likely to get injured. Check out the rules: http://www.ocua.ca/title/Ultimate+in+10+Simple+Rules
Re: [寻找] 愿意健身,减肥, 踢球的请进! 最初由 赤练仙子 发布 我们想找一些人一直踢足球。男女混合式。先定于每两周踢一次。 地点在CENTREPOINT。时间可以安排在周末太阳不烈的 时候。 女男有愿意踢足球的,或愿意当教练,进来报个到! 我想统计一下,看人气够不够开踢。 点击展开... 仙子, I strongly suggest that we play Ultimate instead of soccer. I think it is easier and more fun. Ultimate is American Football but with a frisbee. It is a non-contact sport so people are less likely to get injured. Check out the rules: http://www.ocua.ca/title/Ultimate+in+10+Simple+Rules
M March 知名会员 注册 2002-03-22 消息 11,075 荣誉分数 21 声望点数 198 2005-04-11 #18 Re: Re: [寻找] 愿意健身,减肥, 踢球的请进! 最初由 帮工 发布 仙子, I strongly suggest that we play Ultimate instead of soccer. I think it is easier and more fun. Ultimate is American Football but with a frisbee. It is a non-contact sport so people are less likely to get injured. Check out the rules: http://www.ocua.ca/title/Ultimate+in+10+Simple+Rules 点击展开...
Re: Re: [寻找] 愿意健身,减肥, 踢球的请进! 最初由 帮工 发布 仙子, I strongly suggest that we play Ultimate instead of soccer. I think it is easier and more fun. Ultimate is American Football but with a frisbee. It is a non-contact sport so people are less likely to get injured. Check out the rules: http://www.ocua.ca/title/Ultimate+in+10+Simple+Rules 点击展开...