回了次国,上海, 觉得中国没什么好啊。人多,车几,工资低

Re: Re: Re: Re: how about the technology used in the Public Transit system?

Are you refering to Shanghai or Beijing? I haven't been on any bus/subway/taxi that didn't accept IC card. And there is a usually a notice next to the IC card reader "In case the reader is broken, passengers get to take the ride for free"......

Yes, I was talking about the majority of cities in China, not just Shanghai and Beijing.

For one thing, the bus tickets are not accepted on OTrains. For another, it usually takes couple minutes to do a creditcard transaction before you get off a cab, compared to seconds of swiping the IC card.

Otrain does take bus transfer(not ticket). And right now, O'train is plainly useless for most people not going to Carleton Univ. and Confederation building.

Why? Because the bus comes every minute! The next bus is already pulling in before you finish dialing the 4 digits.

Are you saying you have a bus in your way coming EVERY minute? Let's do some math. 24 hour a day, 60 mins an hour. So
you have 1440 buses for each line every day. I doubt they got anywhere near 1/10 th of that.

By the way, you don't ride bikes in China as you do here?

Yes, I don't ride bicycle as much as I do in Canada because it's much worse to ride it in China for horriby traffic, bad weather and dust in air. And I have to care more than whether the bike would be stolen than whether it's easy to ride.

IC card is just one example, a tip of the iceberg...... With an open mind and high efficiency, Shanghai does way better than many cities in the world, Ottawa for one, Toronto for another.

About 20 years ago, a novel author said" Chairman Mao only changed Beijing and its nearby region". It seems we have a similar situation in China now, in a larger scale though. Beijing, Shanghai and several metropolises are going well, the rest of the country is still far behind.
最初由 阡陌 发布

既然您硬指英国从上到下都是一个口音, 咱也不能把这过错推司机头上吧. 毕竟人家不上CFC呀. 就把这糊涂涨记我头上吧.

得,我替你做个证吧。。London 人确有口音,还不止一种。英语里有个词叫cockney,就是特指 London 东部无产阶级特有的口音。。

最初由 阡陌 发布

你一加拿大人, 到中国那人生地不熟的地方当然是盼着高度诚信了. 话说回来, 人家凭什么诚信你一外地人啊?


最初由 小傻 发布

得,我替你做个证吧。。London 人确有口音,还不止一种。英语里有个词叫cockney,就是特指 London 东部无产阶级特有的口音。。

最初由 阡陌 发布

已经卖得差不多了. 再不来就没了.

忘了说了,Michael Caine 在电影里有时就带 cockney 的口音。。去london的chinatown一定去了旺记吧?那叫个有名,不信你问楼上的小马哥,肯定知道:D
最初由 rogers 发布
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: how about the technology used in the Public Transit system?

最初由 Kent以东首帅哥 发布

Are you saying you have a bus in your way coming EVERY minute? Let's do some math. 24 hour a day, 60 mins an hour. So
you have 1440 buses for each line every day. I doubt they got anywhere near 1/10 th of that.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: how about the technology used in the Public Transit system?

最初由 GraceFeehily 发布


For every single lie, people create more lies to cover that.

In China, for 1, they will say 10, and tell you that would be 100, and they get used to that and laugh on people who doubt on that.