老公和家婆异口同声叫我让步, 我很无奈, 怎么办?

最初由 USD 发布
摆在你面前的不是孩子和猫的问题 是你还要不要这段婚姻 如果实在割舍不下你的猫 那就趁早离婚吧! 这样的LG和PP等你以后有了孩子也够你受的 到时候最不幸的还是孩子。最后问一句 这位太太芳龄? 还猫猫!

谢谢键键的转贴. 其实我都GOOGLE过. 但是LG和PP不与理会. 他们也跟楼上胖哥哥说的一样: 不怕一万, 只怕万一.

USD, 对猫称呼为"猫猫"是一般爱猫者对猫的爱称. 我从一开始养他就那么叫的. 他的名字就叫'猫猫".
最初由 胖蹄阿克 发布
人权动物权的纷争,到现在也没有定论.双方都觉得对方的观点漏洞颇多,有兴趣的不妨去读读, 中国社会科学院哲学研究所 研究员, 华中理工大学 生命伦理学教授 邱仁宗的<<动物权利何以可能?>>

Pregnancy and Pets

You are an animal lover, just found out your pregnant and wondering what safety concerns there are regarding your special pet. Going straight to the pound may not have to be the answer! However, here are some things you need to consider for keeping yourself safe along with planning for a safe environment when your baby arrives.

What about pregnancy and your dog?
Overall, dogs do not pose any health risks for you and the developing baby while you are pregnant. The main concern during pregnancy involves larger dogs that might jump on your abdomen while you are lying down or sitting in the chair. The likelihood of any problem is extremely low, but if your dog is heavy and has the habit of jumping on you, it would be best to begin training him not to do that.

A second concern develops after the baby arrives. Approximately 80% of dog bites occur with children under the age of five. Young children are exploratory in nature and have the tendency to poke, pull hair, or crawl up behind and startle dogs. Unfortunately, your child's innocent exploration may elicit an involuntary response (i.e. snip or bite) from your dog.

Here are some helpful tips to help create a safer and happier environment for you, your baby and your precious dog:

* Identify habits of your dog that may be a problem when the new baby arrives, and begin re-training now
* Begin training your dog on the idea of a new baby in the house. Set-up routines that you will be doing later so that all the changes do not happen at once for your dog. Sometimes using a doll at the table or sitting in a seat can work.
* Start training your dog on the difference between his toys and the baby's toys.
* Believe it or not, your dog can get jealous of the attention directed at your new bay. Make sure you remember to pay some special attention to your dog too. Include your dog in some of the play with the baby.
* Always monitor your child when he is around a dog
* Never leave a dog alone with a child
* Talk with your vet about helpful ways to introduce your dog and new baby

Read more about dogs and babies in these articles:
• Babies and dogs: Making it work [chat transcript]
• Preparing your dog for the arrival of your child
• 10 bite prevention tips for kids: Rules to live by
• Dogs: 10 best-known breeds for kids
• Dogs, strollers and babies

What about pregnancy and your cat?
The transmission of an infection called toxoplasmosis is the primary concern related to cats. Transmission occurs from contact with feline feces. Outdoor cats are more likely to have toxoplasmosis than cats that remain strictly indoors.

If a woman is immune to toxoplasmosis before pregnancy, then the baby is safe. Approximately one-third of women in the United States are immune to the infection, and the likelihood of immunity is higher for women who have owned cats for a long time.

The risk to the baby increases the later in the pregnancy the new infection is acquired. Exposure to a cat's feces will most commonly occur in the garden where cats bury their bowel movements or when you change the litter box. It is best to avoid changing the litter box because even the dust can create exposure.

Here are a few helpful hints for creating a safer environment during your pregnancy:

* If you are a cat owner and you are considering getting pregnant, it would be beneficial to test for immunity of toxoplasmosis before you get pregnant (Immunity is determined by a simple blood test from your physician)
* If you must do some gardening, wear gloves at all times
* Avoid changing the litter box; have someone else do it
* Do not leave your cat with your new baby unsupervised

Toxoplasmosis has serious risks for your baby which include: mental retardation, blindness, learning disabilities, still birth or pre-term birth. Inform your doctor that you are a cat owner. If you are infected while you are pregnant there is an antibiotic for reducing the likelihood that the baby will be infected.

Read more about cats and pregnancy in these articles: http://www.pregnancy.org/article.php?sid=1368
最初由 March 发布


MARCH一定是没有养过宠物, 应该说没有养过一段长的时间. 所以你可能不明白我的感受.

他对于我来说, 已经成为我生活中的一部分. 我和LG还没IN LOVE之前猫猫就一直陪着我度过每一个在加拿大的日子. 我现在每次看着他, 我就非常非常难受. 这两天我都睡不找. :(

最初由 渐渐 发布

:confused: 没明白你在说什么?! :confused:
还是问问医生吧, 当初我问过, 医生问养多久了, 我说两年多了, 他就说那没事, 而且我的猫咪是indoor的. 实在不行, 能不能找个人家寄存10个月呢? 等你生完孩子再接回来啊. 你看渐渐贴的两片文章都提到可以先去检查一下, 如果你已经免疫了, 还有什么可担心呢.
最初由 开喜 发布
还是问问医生吧, 当初我问过, 医生问养多久了, 我说两年多了, 他就说那没事, 而且我的猫咪是indoor的. 实在不行, 能不能找个人家寄存10个月呢? 等你生完孩子再接回来啊. 你看渐渐贴的两片文章都提到可以先去检查一下, 如果你已经免疫了, 还有什么可担心呢.

哎! 谢谢你的建议. 但还是那句, 人都是比较主观的. 当他们主观觉得在怀孕其间养猫是危险的, 那就是危险的.


最初由 Marvin 发布

