
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 孩子是否一定要生在加拿大才能落户

最初由 anti-virus 发布

no, the child is a Canadian regardless of his parents' immigration status in Canada.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 孩子是否一定要生在加拿大才能落户

最初由 gdntfrank 发布

you are right.

Citizenship Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-29 ,

(1) Subject to this Act, a person is a citizen if

(a) the person was born in Canada after February 14, 1977;

(b) the person was born outside Canada after February 14, 1977 and at the time of his birth one of his parents, other than a parent who adopted him, was a citizen;

(c) the person has been granted or acquired citizenship pursuant to section 5 or 11 and, in the case of a person who is fourteen years of age or over on the day that he is granted citizenship, he has taken the oath of citizenship;

(d) the person was a citizen immediately before February 15, 1977; or

(e) the person was entitled, immediately before February 15, 1977, to become a citizen under paragraph 5(1)(b) of the former Act.

Not applicable to children of foreign diplomats, etc.
(2) Paragraph (1)(a) does not apply to a person if, at the time of his birth, neither of his parents was a citizen or lawfully admitted to Canada for permanent residence and either of his parents was

(a) a diplomatic or consular officer or other representative or employee in Canada of a foreign government;

(b) an employee in the service of a person referred to in paragraph (a); or

(c) an officer or employee in Canada of a specialized agency of the United Nations or an officer or employee in Canada of any other international organization to whom there are granted, by or under any Act of Parliament, diplomatic privileges and immunities certified by the Minister of Foreign Affairs to be equivalent to those granted to a person or persons referred to in paragraph (a).