精华 学费中是否能将医疗保险给扣除..(针对移民)


some one told me that In the tuition fees there are about 150 CAD to cover the medical insurance and dental insurance, and i can get it back if i am a immi because immis already enjoy the medical insurance from goverment..


someone can give me some idea?
最初由 海子 发布
some one told me that In the tuition fees there are about 150 CAD to cover the medical insurance and dental insurance, and i can get it back if i am a immi because immis already enjoy the medical insurance from goverment..

As far as I understand, if either of your parents purchases (or has) insurance coverage at work that covers spouse and children, then if that insurance coverage has pretty much the same scope as the package bought by Carleton, then you can get it back. As for the government health plan, usually the government only offers basic medical coverage (OHIP) that does NOT overlap with the insurance package the school has included with the tuition.

HOWEVER, there are actually a few other expenses in the tuition fees that you can get back, some expenses are "volunteer donations" that you don't have to pay. e.g. CUSA fees.
Ok,i understand...


do u know how can i get insurance compensation when i really get a problme such as dental ...
Does the tuition fee includes the insurance? I didn't see it mentioned anywhere, if so, I should have a policy number at least...
最初由 KuCaiHua 发布
Does the tuition fee includes the insurance? I didn't see it mentioned anywhere, if so, I should have a policy number at least...

Yes it definitely does include health insurance plus a lot of other miscellaneous fees. And yes a policy number is one of the things the Business Office would want from you when you ask for a refund. I remember seeing the details of how the tuition fee is split and how to get refund in a booklet SOMEWHERE. I can go look for it after my midterm this Saturday.

As for alternative sources of medical and dental insurance, I don't have too much idea about. Personally I think if you don't have parents or spouse with compatible health insurance coverage from work, then the school package is pretty reasonable to live on.
How come the University can force me to have insurance? It should be my own personal choice. It's not fair to bound me to a certain insurance policy which I don't even know it. If it's true, I probably want to complain to the school.
Excerpt from "Registration Instructions and Class Schedule 2002-2003"

page 22 ... on Fees

Refundable Fees

Student Drug/Accident Insurance and Student Dental Plan ($150.70):
Drug/accident insurance and dental plan fees will apply whenever a student's status is assessed at the full-fee assessment rate. Even if you withdraw or change status after Sept. 30, (Jan. 31 for new January registrants) this coverage will apply for the year and the fee is non-refundable. If you wish to opt out of the plans because you have comparable coverage elsewhere, the fees are refundable only through an application to the Carleton University Students' Association (CUSA) office. Applications must be made before October 1 (February 1 for new January registrants not registered in the previous term).

CUniversity Engineering Student Equipment Fund (CUESEF):
Requests for cancellations and refunds for students who do not wish to support this Fund will be accepted from new registrants for each term until the following dates after each registration period: Oct 15; Jan 31; Jun 15; Jul 15. Contact the Office of the Dean of Engineering and Design.

CU Students' Association (CUSA) / General Student Fees:
As part of tuition, each full-time undergraduate student (pro-rated for part-time students) pays $92.79 for the general student association fee. This fee is made up of many levies, some of which are refundable should you not wish to support that particular levy (marked with * - see the CUSA office for details).

The $92.79 fee consists of:
- $38.03 CUSA fees
- $ 5.67 Charlatan
* $12.15 CKCU
* $ 6.30 OPIRG
- $ 5.00 Accessibility Fund
* $ 4.50 Carleton Legal Project
- $ 6.84 Canadian Federation of Students
- $ 5.70 Canadian Federation of Students Ontario
* $ 3.00 UCCA
- $ 1.50 Foot Patrol
* $ 1.00 New University Government
- $ 0.60 WUSC
- $ 0.50 Interval House
* $ 0.50 Student Emergency Response Team
* $ 1.50 Garden Spot


Tuition Breakdown

It is better to check page 19 of the Registration Booklet, under Undergraduate Fees, as the amounts are slightly different among different majors.

Your usual tuition include (estimates for full-time):
- Drug/Accident/Dental Insurance @ $150.70
- CUSA fees @ ~$100.00
- Athletics @ $138.82 (go use the gym, you're paying for it)
- Health Services @ $41.70
- Career Services @ $10.00
- Student Levy @ $35.00
- University Center @ $50.00
- CUESEF @ $15.00 (engineering)
- Omnibus @ $24.00
- and finally, your raw "tuition"

最初由 KuCaiHua 发布
How come the University can force me to have insurance? It should be my own personal choice. It's not fair to bound me to a certain insurance policy which I don't even know it. If it's true, I probably want to complain to the school.

If you don't already own a comparable insurance package, you probably HAVE to have one to study here (or anywhere else). Most likely you don't have grounds to complain de0.
最初由 KuCaiHua 发布
How come the University can force me to have insurance? It should be my own personal choice. It's not fair to bound me to a certain insurance policy which I don't even know it. If it's true, I probably want to complain to the school.

I agree! More important is to know what the your policy's coverages
are. How to claim etc. You should have the right to choice!