精华 请教渐渐和各位: 地下室墙上的裂缝

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 cgi
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I didn't realize that was a tough question. :)

OK, here comes my next question: what does it mean to me, a regular homeowner? Explain it to me as I'm a 6 years old. For instance, I have a small crack that goes from the basement floor all the way to the window side of the wall, about 1m from the floor, in what you described "longitudinal direction". OK, so if it's indeed caused by thermal load (??) or contraction, what does it mean to me? Is it a serious crack or can I simply forget about it?
最初由 渐渐 发布
I didn't realize that was a tough question. :)

OK, here comes my next question: what does it mean to me, a regular homeowner? Explain it to me as I'm a 6 years old. For instance, I have a small crack that goes from the basement floor all the way to the window side of the wall, about 1m from the floor, in what you described "longitudinal direction". OK, so if it's indeed caused by thermal load (??) or contraction, what does it mean to me? Is it a serious crack or can I simply forget about it?

Okay let me try. First I'd like to know more details: how old is the house? when did you find the crack? in year 1? Is it stable now? I mean, stop growing? How wide is it? just a hair crack, or several millimeters?

I assume your house are 6 yrs, too:). it's the same age as my house. Mine has some cracks in the basement as well but they're all from the first year, when the concrete was hardening and the subsoil was settling. It could be caused by both the settlement and the contract of the concrete because the crack starts from the slab and extended to the wall ... sorry, teh words after "because" are always boring:).

Contraction of contract is normal. Most of it happens in the first month of pouring so. The hardening of concract contributes the most part of the so called "themal load" so it will be over in the first month as well. It means cracks caused by contraction will become stable in the first few months following the construction.

about the uneven settlement, don't worry if it is small and stablized soon. Normally it will become stable in a year (depends on soil condition, I assume you're in Kanata -- not Hunt Club South), after that period there'd be no more significant settlement. Any cracks occured in that period would become stable.

If you didn't find any leaking in another year, I suggest you fill the crack with cement and do whatever you want (stain the slab, put on driwall, etc.) to your basement. In my case, the cracks were filled with some kind of filling from HD, and they've never opened again in last 5 years.

Again, small, stable cracks in old houses are not a big issue. You may want to 1) maintain a positive grading, 2) downspout discharging should be at least 2m away from the house, and 3) watch any modification in landscaping (filling or excavation, because it may change the lateral earth pressure). 1) and 2) is to prevent water damage, and 3) is to avoid structural damage.

Are there any more tough questions waiting in the stack? I'm scared...:)
最初由 基础墙 发布

...(depends on soil condition, I assume you're in Kanata -- not Hunt Club South)...

So for Hunt Club South, you know what I mean...do you think the builder's current solution would fix the sinking problem?
最初由 小傻 发布

So for Hunt Club South, you know what I mean...do you think the builder's current solution would fix the sinking problem?

真不好意思,我没有跟踪后来的消息,只是几年前听住在那里的朋友说地基有问题。能告诉我builder's corrent solution是什么吗?很想知道。先谢过了!
I will qqh you what's builder's solution...Richcraft, maybe Claridge as well, get sued..but Tarion is on builder' side this time....

Ask you a technical question, I am always eager to know this...

What's the difference between 'floating foundation' and 'piled foundation'...

Apart Kanata, most Ottawa's houses built on clay and clay is sensitive to underground water level...anyway, looks to me, for clay, piled foundation is better than floating foundation...but why builder still use floating foundation in this area? the only answer I can guess is the cost..floating foundation is much cheaper than piled foundation?
最初由 基础墙 发布

真不好意思,我没有跟踪后来的消息,只是几年前听住在那里的朋友说地基有问题。能告诉我builder's corrent solution是什么吗?很想知道。先谢过了!

What I heard is one of the cause is the Garage side of the house is much more heavier than the rear side os the house especially when the clay suck lots of water, so the front of the house sinks and some foundation crack in the middle, so their solution is pumping some materials into the underneath of the garage ground to increase the upward pressure of the garage side to "prevent" the foundation from "broken".

But Not confirmed!
最初由 小傻 发布
I will qqh you what's builder's solution...Richcraft, maybe Claridge as well, get sued..but Tarion is on builder' side this time....

Ask you a technical question, I am always eager to know this...

What's the difference between 'floating foundation' and 'piled foundation'...

Apart Kanata, most Ottawa's houses built on clay and clay is sensitive to underground water level...anyway, looks to me, for clay, piled foundation is better than floating foundation...but why builder still use floating foundation in this area? the only answer I can guess is the cost..floating foundation is much cheaper than piled foundation?




I have cracks on my basement wall as well. But It never has any leakage so far. My inspector told me not to worry if it does not leak When I bought my house. He also told me some methods which it is very effective to provent the leakage if there cracks.
最初由 ottawa248 发布
水泥地面的裂缝是小问题. 墙上的裂缝如果不漏水也不要紧. 即使漏水, 修理费也不高. 按裂缝的大小和位置, 大致有三种修理方法

2. 用水泥
3. 压注树脂

前两种对付地面的裂缝足够, 如果是 墙上的裂缝而且漏水, 就要用第三种方法 . 以前看专业的公司的人做过, 先从内侧打数个斜孔, 然后通过斜孔往裂缝打一种树脂类的东西. 一条3M的缝大约2 小时修好. 树脂有黏性和伸缩性, 效果非常好. 价钱大约是几百块, 记不的了.

如果是买房, 应该听听INSPECTOR的意见. 自己也找专业公司询问一下修理费. 通常裂缝不是放弃购买的理由. 但可以要求房主把裂缝修好, 或要个DISCOUNT.

Not only these three methods. The so called very experienced inspector whom my realtor introduced to me told me a method that sounds easy and cheap. But I asked several professional contractors about the crack on my house basement wall. None of them says that is a possible solution. The fix will cost me $1000.
最初由 基础墙 发布


The problem is, how to measure 土的承载力... I think that will be hard...
最初由 cedar 发布

Not only these three methods. The so called very experienced inspector whom my realtor introduced to me told me a method that sounds easy and cheap. But I asked several professional contractors about the crack on my house basement wall. None of them says that is a possible solution. The fix will cost me $1000.






为了避免积水,应该注意三件事:一是GRADING,房周围两米的地面应该是向外倾斜的,坡度应该大于1/12,就是说从墙根向外量六?,每?最少要低下去一?。二是DOWNSPOUT DISCHARGE别离墙太近。可以再接上一根管子,把它引开。三是别把树种得里房子太近,因为树根会影响基础外侧的排水管。那根排水管是塑料做的,须根钻进去会堵住管子,粗些的根还会把管子挤坏。
最初由 小傻 发布

The problem is, how to measure 土的承载力... I think that will be hard...




最初由 基础墙 发布




We need Erin Brockovich :)
Did you mean 1 inch slope for every 6 ft?

最初由 基础墙 发布