最初由 startrack 发布
若无原厂情节的话,建议上Tamron SP AF 90mm/2.8 Di,很好的一只头,性价比很高,他的前任-手动版是一只大牛头,多伦多的维叟就有一支。
Thanks Star! I really likeed the lens you recommended. Tamron 90mm is a legendary lens. It is right next to 100mm from Canon. In many places on earth this lens is cheaper than Canon 100mm. However, it is not the case in NA. at least not here. I have got quotes from my vendors, the prices are the same for both lenses. so, now it is a no-brainer. I will have to go with Canon 100. It is a Canon. It has faster AF. Its compatibility and its price.
Yeah, use macro lens to take portraits is bit too sharp. but I can always soft it afterwards. It is always better to have it not to use it than need it but don't have it. right?
Thanks for your advice too!