
来加以来, 自然地经过了各种文化冲击. 其中之一就是对生命的态度.
在中国(或日本), 国家集体利益高于一切, 因此也没有了个人; 在这, 每个人是独立的个体, 可以有独立的思想, 更可以自由地表达言论.
在中国, 经常听到为了国家财产付出生命的英雄; 在这, 意外发生只要没有人员伤亡大家就觉得还不算太坏.
这之间的差别就是对待"人"的差别, 是生命的价值.

舍己为人的英雄在哪都是值得尊重的. 但鼓吹英雄精神是另一种欺骗.

最初由 辟邪 发布
yh_abc: You seem like a reasonable person, so I'm going to respond to your comment. :)

I'm not debating on the type of the war, whether it is offensive or defensive, but rather the nature of war, or the war itself. Does what your said contradicts what I said - "there is no winner in a war"? Everyone loses no matter what, and I don't even need to list the examples to demonstrate this point, do I?

There are true heros who sacrifice their lives to save others', they overcome personal benefits and rise to the occasion. And there are man-made heros whose actions are exaggerated or even falsified by the media (in China, the state) in order to hypnotize the public. Now I really like to get inside the minds of those making man-made heros and ask "why"? Systematic brain-washing is a powerful method, so powerful that even American prisonners of war agreed after a few years of "education" that "communism may not work in America, but it sure does work for China".

Even better, let me ask you this: are you ready to sacrifice your life for your country? If your answer is yes, I applaud your courage and you have my respect. However if the answer is no, then how could you demande other people to sacrifice their lives to save your country (or yours for that matter)?

Lastly, I'll say this for the record: true heros are borderless, that is whether they are Chinese or Canadian is not the issue, they are respected and will be remembered always.

最初由 yh_abc 发布
Sage,if your logic were correct, the Anti-Japanese war was totally a mistake because Chinese, as a nation, has sacrificed so much and lost so much. With your logic, China should simple accept its fate being invaded, right ?
What should I say you !
But anyway, MeiGu, never mind, China will never be insulted because in this world, there are always those authentic CHINESE who will endeavour whatever necessary to fight/sacrifice for the esteem of being CHINESE.
I still appreciate what Chairman Mao once said, "I won't offend others UNLESS I am offended".
911后小布什参加众议院会议, 众人起立鼓掌几十次. 这种情景只有在当年的苏共中央党代会上才看得到.
美国为了国家安全已经侵犯了太多个人利益, 包括他们的宪法: 1st amendment - freedom of expression, 2nd amendment - right to own firearms, 4th amendment - unreasonable searches and seisures, 6th amendment - right to a speedy and public trial, etc. 李文和事件更是各种侵犯的极端.
And they are the true heros! Not only those who died in the war, but those who endured the loss of their beloved ones and continue to sacrifice their personal gains for their country in whichever way possible. They are the true heros!

While the death of Mao Anying was tragic to his father, he was a soldier and his life was no more precious than anybody else. I highly sympathize with Chairman Mao for the loss of his son, as a father, and for that reason, I stop myself from questionning the purpose of Mao Anying being in the Korean War in the first place. People who fought the war with Mao Anying recalled his short duration in Korea as "living like a regular soldier". He too, is a true hero!
最初由 billsun 发布


最初由 sage 发布
来加以来, 自然地经过了各种文化冲击. 其中之一就是对生命的态度.
在中国(或日本), 国家集体利益高于一切, 因此也没有了个人; 在这, 每个人是独立的个体, 可以有独立的思想, 更可以自由地表达言论.
在中国, 经常听到为了国家财产付出生命的英雄; 在这, 意外发生只要没有人员伤亡大家就觉得还不算太坏.
这之间的差别就是对待"人"的差别, 是生命的价值.

舍己为人的英雄在哪都是值得尊重的. 但鼓吹英雄精神是另一种欺骗.


最初由 美丽世界的孤儿 发布




我识字不多,书也看得少。但这2本书“碰巧“ 看过。


“只有打胜仗,大家才会有更多的人活下来“ -不明白这里面的道理。

最初由 辟邪 发布


最初由 sage 发布
And they are the true heros! Not only those who died in the war, but those who endured the loss of their beloved ones and continue to sacrifice their personal gains for their country in whichever way possible. They are the true heros!

While the death of Mao Anying was tragic to his father, he was a soldier and his life was no more precious than anybody else. I highly sympathize with Chairman Mao for the loss of his son, as a father, and for that reason, I stop myself from questionning the purpose of Mao Anying being in the Korean War in the first place. People who fought the war with Mao Anying recalled his short duration in Korea as "living like a regular soldier". He too, is a true hero!




最初由 sage 发布
yh_abc: You seem like a reasonable person, so I'm going to respond to your comment. :)
Even better, let me ask you this: are you ready to sacrifice your life for your country? If your answer is yes, I applaud your courage and you have my respect. However if the answer is no, then how could you demande other people to sacrifice their lives to save your country (or yours for that matter)?

Sage, to your question, there is only one word out of my answer, "YES", even if I will get Canadidan citizenship soon. (because I still have all my dearest there, including my treasured memories and experience which will be left there forever.)
It seems you always want to distinguish "You" and "Other people", but pls be advised that as a nation, all the decedants of the nation will treat themselves as one person, for better explaination, think of your family, if your family is under the invasion of some outsiders, whatever the purpose, will you still distinguish yourself from other members of the family in terms of responsibilties to avoid the invasion ? A nation and a family is the same in many respects except for the size.
I agree that war itself is not welcome everywhere, I also agree life is precious, but I still must argue that sense of esteem and respect is far more important in most of the time. Let's just use a simple example to demonstrate this: if your girlfriend / wife were bullied by some bastards, and you happend to have some kind of defensive weapons on hand, would you fight back or NOT ? (Assume the fight may result in serious body injuries or even death, also assume you do not have time to call for help). To me, I will not hesitate to fight back even at the risk of my life, at that time, the value of life to me is that I can overpower those bastards.
Of course, if we cannot agree upon the basic point, which is "Life can be sacrificed for something else", I will stop arguing with you any more because we are not in the same boat at all.
最初由 sage 发布
“只有打胜仗,大家才会有更多的人活下来“ -不明白这里面的道理。


