作个调查 。cfc 上挂三的人都看过来。

最初由 雪中的宋薇 发布
I am Hongkongese LOL! yaddy ya yell at me
I'm Chinese Canadian who does not like traditional Chinese thinking
And/or how some chinese thinks
That's why my parents brought us to canada, to get away from chinese government

what u no abt traditional chinese thinking?
we r talking abt moral and culture here

chinese government sux, but its not because of chinese traditional thinking

and u no wut? no matter where u live, ur chinese. especially in western countries, whites look u down. racism is one of their "traditional thinking", how do u like it?

besides... many of "canadian" like u, call students from mainland china FOBs.
strong feeling of being superior huh? how sad
最初由 雪中的宋薇 发布
I am Hongkongese LOL! yaddy ya yell at me
I'm Chinese Canadian who does not like traditional Chinese thinking
And/or how some chinese thinks
That's why my parents brought us to canada, to get away from chinese government

thinking ,thinking , thinging 丢你老母,那个叫mentality . 英文都说不好,还canadian 。 你就天天,混north york, scarborgh, Markham, Richmond ,我看你爸妈由移民会香港了,还是元朗。

顺便说一下,仔仔是猪,周愚民是猪 ,窒息人也是猪 。
well ... I just know..... Canadian is not as racist as chinese
at least they accept our culture
and dont throw stuff at Japanese stores
By saying stuff u guys said about white people
I think you are racist against them

I have to sing.. people from Hong Kong ARE racist too ..so..
they stare at people ..
see Canadian at least ones i know would ask if i'm chinese
and they'd say COOL .. UR CHINESE

Chinese would be like .. Hi are u japanese
Oh you are.. f u!! get the f out of my face
最初由 雪中的宋薇 发布
well ... I just know..... Canadian is not as racist as chinese
at least they accept our culture
and dont throw stuff at Japanese stores
By saying stuff u guys said about white people
I think you are racist against them

I have to sing.. people from Hong Kong ARE racist too ..so..
they stare at people ..
see Canadian at least ones i know would ask if i'm chinese
and they'd say COOL .. UR CHINESE

Chinese would be like .. Hi are u japanese
Oh you are.. f u!! get the f out of my face

that is not entirely true...
最初由 任天翔 发布

that is not entirely true...

not all chinese, but i do know some chinese , and some people from hong kong give the dirtiest look to other cultures
I have heard a few peopel from hong kong and china
they do treat different culture people differently

Here, you rarely see any..... cuz i mean... i do go shopping
and eat and stuff
People are quite nice here
最初由 雪中的宋薇 发布
well ... I just know..... Canadian is not as racist as chinese
at least they accept our culture
and dont throw stuff at Japanese stores
By saying stuff u guys said about white people
I think you are racist against them

I have to sing.. people from Hong Kong ARE racist too ..so..
they stare at people ..
see Canadian at least ones i know would ask if i'm chinese
and they'd say COOL .. UR CHINESE

Chinese would be like .. Hi are u japanese
Oh you are.. f u!! get the f out of my face

歧视到处是有 , 在北美是黑白, 连墨西哥都有黑墨,白墨之分。 在欧洲,东德,西德,南德,北德, 波兰 ,和其Salisia 省 ,俄国,是欧洲部,和亚洲部。 瑞士是 德法语区,和 意大利语区 ,

你说的90%对, 但仔仔是猪,周愚民是猪,日本人也是猪,你又没看过 美惠丽大战 黑白双棍,还有日本av
都是日本人变态搞出来的。 自己jb 不行。老搞一点青菜,罗伯。 我知道你喜欢日本,是不是也要青菜,罗伯 。

送你一个字 “饼” 想通了告诉我。


最初由 文 武 发布


must up...
chinese are the same, no one is superior than the other...
no matter if u are from hong kong or not....
i have to admit that chinese do look down @ other races,
so what? we are better in some ways...
最初由 ~~LORD~~ 发布
chinese are the same, no one is superior than the other...
no matter if u are from hong kong or not....
i have to admit that chinese do look down @ other races,
so what? we are better in some ways...

yes each race has their own bads
thats why you shouldn't discriminate against one race
最初由 雪中的宋薇 发布

yes each race has their own bads
thats why you shouldn't discriminate against one race

I don't like discriminate people , but some people made me discriminate them. Look at downtown Ottawa ,
ing full of ing negers, and mid -east refegees. In North american, all people know that they are the trouble makers and Chaos makers.

但日本就是畜生,连仔仔的蛋蛋 上上的毛毛都不如。 they never admit the war crime in WWII .

他们吃人肉,砍人头, 强奸, 兽奸,杀人游戏 ,这个都是原始社会的行为。 我不知道你家里人有没有被他们这么玩过。 不过你快了 ,

我tobanker最讨厌在cfc说这种事 。 开心一点。

就一个字,日本和你都逃不出 “饼“这个大东亚共荣圈。
