
I always think that it is very difficult for me to make money in Canada. I have to work very hard for eight hours or more per day and only earn $100 CND. However, in China, one young lady works less than one hour and may earn $50 CND. What kind of contribution does she make?
I thought that you are the author of this novel. If he was caught, he might continue writting this novel for money even though he was put into a jail.

最初由 heureux 发布

作者因为带两小姐回家,被警察逮起来了 :D :D :D
He brought two ladies back to his home. Miss Wang should stayed at home. In his home, there are three ladies. If there only are ladies in his home, policemen caught him. This is illegal. He may go to appeal the policemen.

最初由 heureux 发布

作者因为带两小姐回家,被警察逮起来了 :D :D :D
No problem, but I still want to read your novel and to see final result. Thanks!

最初由 heureux 发布
Ok, ACai, I was kidding. :D
I am still waiting for your novel which is really good.
There is no body to accuse of author. I think that they just make joking.