最初由 我亦有亭 发布
我去年来的时候,和闲逛一起参加了政府下面移民机构办的一个program,是帮忙新移民settle down的,运作方式就是那个机构面向社会征集volunteer,然后把volunteer和新移民一一配对,实行一帮一的服务。帮助我们的是一个来自印度的女士,移民来此30多年了,极其nice,非常用心地安排活动,比如开车带我们去博物馆,请我们吃饭,亲自做点心给我们品尝,去她家里作客,和我们一起去国书馆参加活动等等,
最初由 阿童木 发布
I suggest we model this from local "Big Brother or Big Sister of Ottawa". Here is there web site.
But we can subsitute it with our own activities of choice. But I will like to keep the premise of "background check and careful matching" and "one-on-one nature of the mentoring". This will keep the focus and quality up. We can always expand that in the future as we find and match more volunteers.
Looking forward to it.