
we don't want non-english speaking ppl

makes it too hard to organize in vent
lol sounds like we got kicked? ni men dao xian zai hai bu zhi dao wo men wen shen me gquit me?
btw everyone in Ones can speak English
如果你们还在这个server玩的话, 进那个叫ones 的guild. 新建的。。以前的因为某些原因散了。。
最初由 zz911 发布
lol sounds like we got kicked? ni men dao xian zai hai bu zhi dao wo men wen shen me gquit me?

o we know

and no tks on u ppl that can't SPEAK fluent english.

感到很伤心啊, 一直以为这是中国人的工会,大家都是自己人,为什么要分开呢? 我们怎么就不能团结一点呢?! 

今天Awow被踢出会,因为UBRS run, 跳平台的时候就他一个Hunter的pet没release, 结果把门外的所有mob都引了,一下子raid fail, 耽误很多人的时间,包括会外的朋友来帮忙的也很不开心。



Guild不等于chat room, 我们是一个团结的组织,不是光一起打怪升级的人物。

上次一同离开的人们 - 不好意思,会里并没有挽留的意思。第二波人马很快就ready. 我们并不着急,只是等待一个"Close knit"的团体。会大与否并不重要。Professional才是我们需要借用的单词

换句话说,We are not from the same circle, although some of us belong to both. We all make sacrifices.
打游戏而已阿, 团灭也很正常阿, 干吗搞得这么严肃阿,
最初由 月下独酌 发布

今天Awow被踢出会,因为UBRS run, 跳平台的时候就他一个Hunter的pet没release, 结果把门外的所有mob都引了,一下子raid fail, 耽误很多人的时间,包括会外的朋友来帮忙的也很不开心。

上次一同离开的人们 - 不好意思,会里并没有挽留的意思。第二波人马很快就ready. 我们并不着急,只是等待一个"Close knit"的团体。会大与否并不重要。Professional才是我们需要借用的单词

最初由 微积分 发布


guild财力颇为雄厚,新人入会均送10 slot包4个,启动资金1g。呵呵,东西是不多,但是我保证入会者人人都能得到。

热烈欢迎新老玩家的加盟! 我们希望玩家们能够相处的愉快,玩得高兴. 有机会的话,我们将成为不仅是网上的朋友,也会是现实生活中的朋友!

你们现在的做法我觉得多少和开始有些出入, 去的人应该有不少这么感觉. 所以都闭嘴吧, 游戏我们追求的是fun.
最初由 canicula 发布
你们现在的做法我觉得多少和开始有些出入, 去的人应该有不少这么感觉. 所以都闭嘴吧, 游戏我们追求的是fun.

I think they are doing a good job managing this guild. If some of you morons got booted cuz you dont have the ability to communiate with others and just keep your own shiet to yourself that is too damn bad. Stop bitchin, take out the dick that stucked in your mouth and try to showing up on your ESL class once awhile; you just might understand what ppl are talking about on vent. BTW, ppl are friendly and guild leaders have input alot of works for the guild, for that they have my salute. When the guild started, they welcomed everyone with open arms, but if you are there just so you can take advantage of the guild or cause wipes and start drama, then dont be bitchin at about to get booted.
And if you dont understand what i just typed, /slap yourself, cuz you are nothin more than a tool
最初由 canicula 发布

你们现在的做法我觉得多少和开始有些出入, 去的人应该有不少这么感觉. 所以都闭嘴吧, 游戏我们追求的是fun.

Our guild leader changed hand. IMO Vigilante is a much better leader than Moonrider.
Thus the guild belief and objectives changed

If you want chinese only guild, go to Ones
最初由 familyman 发布

I think they are doing a good job managing this guild. If some of you morons got booted cuz you dont have the ability to communiate with others and just keep your own shiet to yourself that is too damn bad. Stop bitchin, take out the dick that stucked in your mouth and try to showing up on your ESL class once awhile; you just might understand what ppl are talking about on vent. BTW, ppl are friendly and guild leaders have input alot of works for the guild, for that they have my salute. When the guild started, they welcomed everyone with open arms, but if you are there just so you can take advantage of the guild or cause wipes and start drama, then dont be bitchin at about to get booted.
And if you dont understand what i just typed, /slap yourself, cuz you are nothin more than a tool

lol, don't be so harsh:lookaroun