
中国人歧视中国人可真是悲哀啊,在很多服务器玩过,经常有人在general里面用 chinese farmer 来嘲笑中国人,wtf!
一直想找个中国人的工会,在这个坛子里我看过很多人贴的照片,我想大部分人还都有做大型instance经验的,只要大家努力一定会把工会做大作强!前两天得知有一部分人分裂出去了,问为什么,<Apollo>这边说,分裂出去的那部分人,不会说英语,而且其中有一部分是不折不扣地farmer,<Ones>那边说出于对原guild officers 的不满,说他们只考虑到他们的real life friends... 顺便说一下,在<Apollo>, 有人在这个工会的频道里一直喋喋不休的说什么chinese farmer...all farmers from china..., 我觉得很气愤,在这个以大多数中国人为基础的guild里,还这么撒野!
结果,我离开了<Apollo>, 但我也没加入<Ones>,感觉很烦,还是一个人比较清静,也没这么多是非,在我离开前,我给moonrider寄了一封信,附加1gold,有些事可能是我不够了解,但是我要感谢他,和他最初给我开荒的1g。
最初由 familyman 发布

I think they are doing a good job managing this guild. If some of you morons got booted cuz you dont have the ability to communiate with others and just keep your own shiet to yourself that is too damn bad. Stop bitchin, take out the dick that stucked in your mouth and try to showing up on your ESL class once awhile; you just might understand what ppl are talking about on vent. BTW, ppl are friendly and guild leaders have input alot of works for the guild, for that they have my salute. When the guild started, they welcomed everyone with open arms, but if you are there just so you can take advantage of the guild or cause wipes and start drama, then dont be bitchin at about to get booted.
And if you dont understand what i just typed, /slap yourself, cuz you are nothin more than a tool

Ignored your so "mature" talking,still you completed misunderstood my point. I never been in that server, only heard some words from friends who been playing with you ppl. yes, it is true some of us suck at get along with the regular community. but then someone posted a thread, which to them, seems like a hope of geting a real enjoyment in the game. and that's why they joined your guild. But things didn't turn out the way they dig from the post. so i would say in a way you ppl welcomed your guildes by lies. think why ppl left instead of being kicked. and shut your mouth moron! plus the way 月下独酌 talked was no cool to me. so i made my post. BTW i enjoyed wow very much on my server. and we all should do the same. end of story. peace
最初由 canicula 发布

Ignored your so "mature" talking,still you completed misunderstood my point. I never been in that server, only heard some words from friends who been playing with you ppl. yes, it is true some of us suck at get along with the regular community. but then someone posted a thread, which to them, seems like a hope of geting a real enjoyment in the game. and that's why they joined your guild. But things didn't turn out the way they dig from the post. so i would say in a way you ppl welcomed your guildes by lies. think why ppl left instead of being kicked. and shut your mouth moron! plus the way 月下独酌 talked was no cool to me. so i made my post. BTW i enjoyed wow very much on my server. and we all should do the same. end of story. peace

kanora FTW =)
good job dude ~~
最初由 canicula 发布

Ignored your so "mature" talking,still you completed misunderstood my point. I never been in that server, only heard some words from friends who been playing with you ppl. yes, it is true some of us suck at get along with the regular community. but then someone posted a thread, which to them, seems like a hope of geting a real enjoyment in the game. and that's why they joined your guild. But things didn't turn out the way they dig from the post. so i would say in a way you ppl welcomed your guildes by lies. think why ppl left instead of being kicked. and shut your mouth moron! plus the way 月下独酌 talked was no cool to me. so i made my post. BTW i enjoyed wow very much on my server. and we all should do the same. end of story. peace

From what I pieced out from your post is, you are cryin/bitchin about how your boyfriend came to Gul'dan, planning on suck on a few dicks but couldnt get none. So you, which arent even on the server got pissed at the way 月下独酌 talked and started to come here and talk smack with broke back mountain English.

最初由 canicula 发布

Ignored your so "mature" talking,still you completed misunderstood my point.

WTF is that, this shiet doesnt even make sense. Now we are glad your ass arnt in the guild cuz you dont even use the right tense. Stop spammin with bad grammar, and get back to the ESL101 clas where you came from.
One thing i do agree is we all should enjoy the game, and making fun of you faggets just made it better.
最初由 战龙在野 发布

最初由 Alucard 发布


我想去你的server, 能进你们guild 吗?
最初由 永远的Terroblade 发布

我想去你的server, 能进你们guild 吗?
最初由 月下独酌 发布

今天Awow被踢出会,因为UBRS run, 跳平台的时候就他一个Hunter的pet没release, 结果把门外的所有mob都引了,一下子raid fail, 耽误很多人的时间,包括会外的朋友来帮忙的也很不开心。



Guild不等于chat room, 我们是一个团结的组织,不是光一起打怪升级的人物。

上次一同离开的人们 - 不好意思,会里并没有挽留的意思。第二波人马很快就ready. 我们并不着急,只是等待一个"Close knit"的团体。会大与否并不重要。Professional才是我们需要借用的单词

换句话说,We are not from the same circle, although some of us belong to both. We all make sacrifices.
呵呵 awow是我当时收进来的 事后我就发现是个纯粹famer 我当时让moonrider kick掉 他说留着冲人数。。 真不知道你们带他去ubrs干什么。。
Nicholson invite他的,不是我invite的,据说是nicholson的朋友。后来发现他是farmer就踢出去了。所以Nicholson也离会了
最初由 月下独酌 发布
Nicholson invite他的,不是我invite的,据说是nicholson的朋友。后来发现他是farmer就踢出去了。所以Nicholson也离会了

1,officer提他的原因很差劲,因为有老外说他是chinese farmer.
最初由 对不起,他是我的 发布
中国人歧视中国人可真是悲哀啊,在很多服务器玩过,经常有人在general里面用 chinese farmer 来嘲笑中国人,wtf!
一直想找个中国人的工会,在这个坛子里我看过很多人贴的照片,我想大部分人还都有做大型instance经验的,只要大家努力一定会把工会做大作强!前两天得知有一部分人分裂出去了,问为什么,<Apollo>这边说,分裂出去的那部分人,不会说英语,而且其中有一部分是不折不扣地farmer,<Ones>那边说出于对原guild officers 的不满,说他们只考虑到他们的real life friends... 顺便说一下,在<Apollo>, 有人在这个工会的频道里一直喋喋不休的说什么chinese farmer...all farmers from china..., 我觉得很气愤,在这个以大多数中国人为基础的guild里,还这么撒野!
结果,我离开了<Apollo>, 但我也没加入<Ones>,感觉很烦,还是一个人比较清静,也没这么多是非,在我离开前,我给moonrider寄了一封信,附加1gold,有些事可能是我不够了解,但是我要感谢他,和他最初给我开荒的1g。
