Major 2005 Tax changes affecting individuals
1) Increased threshold for all Income Tax brackets
在联邦和各省的税表中,个人taxable income的每一档都上调1.7个百分点
2)Increase in RRSP Annual-Contribution Limit
The annual registered retirement savings plan contribution ceiling was raised to 16,500 in 2005, from 15,500 in 2004. 上调了$1000, 以后每年还要继续上调。这是政府为了鼓励个人储蓄投资和调整通货膨胀所采取的措施。
3) Elimination of the RRSP Foreign-Contribution Limit 从2005年1月起,联邦政府取消对境外资产占据RRSP investment portfolio的限制。(应该说是好事)对2005年以前的RRSP投资,作了如下规定:
From 2001 to 2004 inclusive, the RRSP investment porfolio, as well as other pension funds, had to include at least 70% Canadian content, with only 30% being the maximum allowable investment in foreign property.
4) Canada Child-Tax Benefit Payments(CCTB)
Beginning July 2005, CCTB National Child Benefit supplement payments to Canadians rose to $1,722 from $1,511 for the first child, $1,502 for the second child (from $1,295) and $1,420 for each subsequent child (from 1,215).
An additional benefit of $243 is available for each child under age 7.
政府积极鼓励,大家都来生小孩吧, 呵呵。。。
此外,Ontario Health Premium也在去年第一年实行(introduced in the 2004 provincial budget).