帮忙报税 (Don't forget your buspass receipt for 2006 if you paid any income tax)

last minute to avoid penalty

"Is it too late to file my tax?"

The fact is, if you have a balance owning (or at least you think you might have so), you'd better file it in order to avoid any penalty on it. The penalty is 5% of the owning plus compound interest of 1% per month on top of this.

Last year we filed a student who originally owned $320 balance on 2003, however, because of ignore of CRA's notice, eventually he had to pay back the government almost $800 (penalty + interest).

"How can I know if I have a balance owning?"

Check your household income of 2005. Did you have any Capital gain (e.g. sold a stock or mutual fund, or a property rather than your principal residence, etc.)? Were you considered self-employeed (contractor)? Did you have any rental income last year?

It is hard to gauge especially when it comes to a family tax filing because of other related factors (non-refundable tax credit): spousal amount, dependant amount, childcare benefit and tuition credit, etc.

That's why one should see a tax preparer before Apr.30th.


Students who had no income on tax year 2005 can relax since no balance owning would incur. He/she can file it any time during the year. The drawback is he/she would get the refund later than others. But if you are first time filer and have not applied Individual Tax Number (ITN), you will have no choice other than wait.


One can always file or make any ajustment on the previous years' tax return. But if you think you might get a refund, you would be better off file it at the current year since you would lose your interest (of the refund) when you let the money sit at the goverment. On top of this, Tax Act is amended every year so if you wait, you might lose the benefit on current tax year.
Not recommand!!! don't mislead people if you don't really understand!
You spent 6 hrs here, coming up with whole butch of fake receipts and have no idea of what the tax system works!!

We had asked you to go elsewhere. Why did you insist on sticking around then?

At least you should have some decency and respect for the people who helped you!!

You are not welcomed next year. Good luck to your company when you get audited!!
Update your mailing address for T4 slips


CFC中文网 - www.comefromchina.com
a few things to mention

有些客户在报税时,有去年tuition credit的积累,但是由于一些原因丢失了CRA 的Notice of Assessment,所以不知道还剩下多少可以用来今年报税。对于此点,我们的建议如下:

不管您是学生还是上班族,每年报完税请一定保留CRA寄来的回信,里面的信息如:Federal Tuition credit and Provincial Tuition credit, RRSP contribution limit都是来年报税时至关重要的信息。


1)最快最便捷的: Call CRA directly

2) 第二种,也很方便: Access your info online (CRA website), which requires you to register an account. After obtaining this account, everytime you can retrieve your info. from CRA website by signing in.就像一般的上网注册一样.

请不要要求我们为您给CRA打电话.没有您个人的授权书(Authorization agreement),CRA是不会理会任何人(包括您的爱人,亲属,朋友)的information inquiry.因为这涉及到您个人隐私问题. 当电话CRA时,CRA agent会verify your personal infomation that we can not answer on behalf of you.

如若您因为搬家丢失了政府退税的check,最好的办法也是call them. 这时您也需要亲自打电话要求他们再寄一次check,任何人不能替您包办.
for residents and selfemployeed tax prepare how much . low incomes simple case. thanks
Please call in the evening or weekend

A few reminders for this year 2008:

1. 对雇主If you are an employer, you need to distribute your employee T4 before the end of the month.

2. 对房东:If you have rental properties in Quebec, you have to give your tenants their RL-4 slip this month. The deadline is Feb 29th.

3. 对一般性雇员Regular employees are supposed to receive the t4 slip of 2008 by the end of the month.
1)T4表。您的雇主应于2月底前给您寄到。If you still have not received it so far, you should call your employer to ask for it. It is their obligation to send you the T4 form.
2) Your tuition credit, if you still carry some from previous year. 这个信息可以在您去年的Notice of Assessment上找到。
4)RRSP or RESP 的receipt。退休金计划的购买截止日期是2月底。