还有一个很好看的mini series - Band of Brothers (首页新增简介)


Band of Brothers (2001)

借了同事的一个月了,这个周末才终于开看,正片10小时加special features(including 1.5 hours of interview with WWII veterans portrayed in the mini series)数小时一天半搞定。意尤未尽。


继《拯救大兵雷恩》后,好莱坞大导演斯蒂芬・斯皮尔伯格与两届奥斯卡影帝汤姆・汉克斯再度合作,推出有史以来造价最昂贵的电视连续剧《兄弟连》(Band of Brothers),这个由二战期间美军在欧洲大陆作战的真人真事改编而成的故事,总计拍摄成本高达1亿2000万美元。
    《Band of Brothers》是描写美国101空军部队的一个小支队Easy Company的真实故事,他们参与了盟军进攻首日的任务,以及其后整个欧洲的战事。全片是由Stephen Ambrose的著作改编而成,他曾与Easy Company幸存者进行长时间的访谈、并研究美国大兵的家书后,写下了这本畅销作品。
最初由 胖蹄阿克 发布
男主Major Winters我倒是认得在Dreamcatcher里面露面了,不过片子比较烂。
I haven't watched this one yet. Right before last Xmas, I saw it on sale in Costco. I hesitated for a day, then it was gone. :(

Now I'm thinking about getting a free copy le. :blowzy:
最初由 Isabel 发布
I haven't watched this one yet. Right before last Xmas, I saw it on sale in Costco. I hesitated for a day, then it was gone. :(

Now I'm thinking about getting a free copy le. :blowzy:
最初由 人淡如菊 发布
男主Major Winters我倒是认得在Dreamcatcher里面露面了,不过片子比较烂。
最初由 胖蹄阿克 发布

Yeah Ross' face is forever stuck with Friends though so I can't stand him trying to be serious.

Webster resembles another character from Friends (Phoebe's husband Michael), and Bull can totally pass as Sam's twin from LOTR, only bigger.
最初由 人淡如菊 发布

Yeah Ross' face is forever stuck with Friends though so I can't stand him trying to be serious.

Webster resembles another character from Friends (Phoebe's husband Michael), and Bull can totally pass as Sam's twin from LOTR, only bigger.

David Schwimmer's voice has marked him as Ross 4 ever.:D
You think you missed the boat on the Band of Brothers DVD, let me tell you, I went to FutureShop two days after the release of HP: the Goblet of Fire Special Edition, it was sold out completely. sigh...........
HP now is not as interesting as the early ones. I feel the Order of Phoenix boring.
最初由 Obiwan 发布

David Schwimmer's voice has marked him as Ross 4 ever.:D
You think you missed the boat on the Band of Brothers DVD, let me tell you, I went to FutureShop two days after the release of HP: the Goblet of Fire Special Edition, it was sold out completely. sigh...........

Heh actually it's Isabel who said she missed the boat :)

Why can't you order it online? Surprisingly I didn't buy any of the HP DVDs except the first one, and I only got that to see the behind scenes stuff while the actors are still young and cute.

Maybe I should open a new thread for HP? I've saved a bunch of pics in my photo album.
最初由 Isabel 发布
HP now is not as interesting as the early ones. I feel the Order of Phoenix boring.
Yeah The Goblet of Fire was the highlight for me, it went downhill after that...
最初由 Obiwan 发布
I went to FutureShop two days after the release of HP: the Goblet of Fire Special Edition, it was sold out completely. sigh...........

Let me tell you something funny that's HP related, so after I saw the Goblet of Fire with my sister and her friend, I said "hey they replaced the actress who plays Angelina Johnson", and she said "who?", I said "the Black girl", and she went all politically correct on me saying that I shouldn't have described her as Black, then I said "but that's how JK Rowling describes her!!"
最初由 人淡如菊 发布

Let me tell you something funny that's HP related, so after I saw the Goblet of Fire with my sister and her friend, I said "hey they replaced the actress who plays Angelina Johnson", and she said "who?", I said "the Black girl", and she went all politically correct on me saying that I shouldn't have described her as Black, then I said "but that's how JK Rowling describes her!!"


Being politically correct we should call them African American or African Canadian, but how could we describe her since she lived in Hogwarts. African Hogwartsian?????
最初由 人淡如菊 发布

Heh actually it's Isabel who said she missed the boat :)

Why can't you order it online? Surprisingly I didn't buy any of the HP DVDs except the first one, and I only got that to see the behind scenes stuff while the actors are still young and cute.

Maybe I should open a new thread for HP? I've saved a bunch of pics in my photo album.

I have already puchased first three episodes, I guess I need to complete the whole series like I have done with Star Wars.:blowzy: