What's in a name? That which we call a rose最初由 roaring mouse 发布
Tiger Tears
just came back from lunch; they have one course called Tiger Tears, kind of scary.
remember once had a dish called sleeping beauty in China.
what is in a nmae?
最初由 PQPQ 发布
from scratch
live and learn最初由 roaring mouse 发布
i finished my learning about 10 years ago. read so many books by then.
then i started my professional training; i was always wondering how one defines how well one is educated, learned, cultured or intectuallized.
sometimes folks have phd, md or jd; but they do not seem to be very well educated in the humanities.
i started to learn deutsch simply because i wanted to read some novels/poems in german. tried 2 semesters and then gave up
最初由 如假包换的马甲 发布
why is shadow necessary right though? what happen if the light sourse shine diretly above the objects? there will be no shadow even when there is light.
最初由 roaring mouse 发布
a heavy rain this morning.
sitting in the traffic on the way to work and trying to figure out the riddle. why could not I think of the SHADOW? I thought it was the MOON. pretty close.
how about the chinese poem "the moon, the chalice and the shadow, let us make it a party of three." was the poet simply cheerful or was he in insurmountable solitude?
what does the book One Hudnred Years of Solitude try to convey? Love? Hope?
It must be HOPE then. In the darkest hours, DESPAIR sets in and there is no glimmer of HOPE. How about Hell, the place of eternal damnation? In Milton's words, Hell is an extreme dark place; even the flames are black. At that time, Milton was very close to total blindness. What was in his mind, despair ? hope?
最初由 如假包换的马甲 发布
why is shadow necessary right though? what happen if the light sourse shine diretly above the objects? there will be no shadow even when there is light.