最初由 roaring mouse 发布
laughing; go and read something about history of religion; u r just like nongmingong, ignorant to the n th degree. 天主教 and 基督教 are basically the same. the Catholics became so oppressive and corrupted in history that reformers rebelled. then there were the protestants, lutherans and etc. they read the same book and interpreted it differently.
the Pope is against the use of condoms; so u can see how crooked his thinking is.
the protestants (some other religious believers) in the US are against abortion but for death penalty.
The protestants也是罪人,他们的观点有正确也会有缪误。
me, against abortion and against death penalty, but for condoms.
Chinese, if they were like the so-called Christians, would also create someone like Jesus, maybe above Jesus; i mean Confucius. But they chose not to. It is the wisdom of the Chinese.