精华 [请求]种过cedar hedges(树篱笆)的朋友请进来

最初由 家庭妇女 发布
打电话老是找不到kyle's那家。另外在ottawa pennysaver上问了两家,觉得还算便宜:3feet $3, 4feet $4, 5feet $5, 一家包种另外加$2.5一颗,另一家包种另加$3一颗

不客气。I think the $3+$2.5 for planting is a deal similar to what we got three years ago (because price of everyting increased).

打电话老是找不到kyle's那家, 是什么原因呢?没人接或是号码不工作?如是后者,也许人已经搬家了。我们是三年前种的树。
nobody answers the phone...maybe they are not in business any more?

I've already ordered 125 cedar trees from the farm with $3+$2.5, but they encourage me to plant the tree by myself and said it's quite easy, they also said 3feet is easier to grow than the bigger ones (I don't know why, I thought the bigger ones are easier to grow). So I ordered 125 3feet trees for $3 per tree (my back yard is 125feet long in total), all tax included and free delivery.

They will deliver the trees this Saturday, the only concern now is that I didn't see those trees so I have no idea what the tree conditions would be (they promise the trees are green and healthy).

Thank you bulaoniu.
Can you post some pics after it's done? I'm curious how it looks like.

I have a huge backyard and still thinking how to modify it.

Thanks a lot.
能不能请bulaoliu 秀秀你家的cedar fence? 我想知道3年能长成什么样。
最初由 家庭妇女 发布
nobody answers the phone...maybe they are not in business any more?

I've already ordered 125 cedar trees from the farm with $3+$2.5, but they encourage me to plant the tree by myself and said it's quite easy, they also said 3feet is easier to grow than the bigger ones (I don't know why, I thought the bigger ones are easier to grow). So I ordered 125 3feet trees for $3 per tree (my back yard is 125feet long in total), all tax included and free delivery.

They will deliver the trees this Saturday, the only concern now is that I didn't see those trees so I have no idea what the tree conditions would be (they promise the trees are green and healthy).

Thank you bulaoniu.

You better try to do a little digging yourself first. Some place in ottawa like kanata,if you dig down 1 feet, the earth is hard as rock or is rock. How tree grow big where there is 1 feet earth? You need some serious machine to dig a hole big enough. You can plant a young tree in a 1 feet hole. It will live. But few years down the road, there will be trouble.
最初由 家庭妇女 发布
nobody answers the phone...maybe they are not in business any more?

I've already ordered 125 cedar trees from the farm with $3+$2.5, but they encourage me to plant the tree by myself and said it's quite easy, they also said 3feet is easier to grow than the bigger ones (I don't know why, I thought the bigger ones are easier to grow). So I ordered 125 3feet trees for $3 per tree (my back yard is 125feet long in total), all tax included and free delivery.

They will deliver the trees this Saturday, the only concern now is that I didn't see those trees so I have no idea what the tree conditions would be (they promise the trees are green and healthy).

Thank you bulaoniu.

Could you post the phone number? I am interested. :thanks:
unfortunatly I'm living in Kanata, and last time I saw my neighbor tried so hard to dig the hole to install their wooden fence...I'll dig to see how deep the earth is this evening...thanks for your friendly reminder.
call Rae at 1-888-672-9252, but I haven't seen the trees yet so I don't know what their tree conditions would be...I'll give you guys an update after tomorrow's delivery.
最初由 家庭妇女 发布
call Rae at 1-888-672-9252, but I haven't seen the trees yet so I don't know what their tree conditions would be...I'll give you guys an update after tomorrow's delivery.
:cool: :thanks:
最初由 家庭妇女 发布
nobody answers the phone...maybe they are not in business any more?

I've already ordered 125 cedar trees from the farm with $3+$2.5, but they encourage me to plant the tree by myself and said it's quite easy, they also said 3feet is easier to grow than the bigger ones (I don't know why, I thought the bigger ones are easier to grow). So I ordered 125 3feet trees for $3 per tree (my back yard is 125feet long in total), all tax included and free delivery.

They will deliver the trees this Saturday, the only concern now is that I didn't see those trees so I have no idea what the tree conditions would be (they promise the trees are green and healthy).

Thank you bulaoniu.

Sorry, I do not visit very often. I would say it is going to be a hard work to plant the trees by yourself, particularly the digging. The person who planted the trees for me used a machine to dig the ground.

The good thing is that you can take your time, and buy some good soil and (粪肥) to put under the trees. Rember to give them enough water after planting (浇透).

I am not sure if the vendor is going to dig the trees and deliver them directly to you. If that is the case, the trees will be fresh.If they have digged the trees a while ago, there will be a lot of yellow leaves. They should give you a waranty in any case.

This is also to answer lilyofvalley2: in three years my trees grow about 1.5 feet, on average. It is a little hard for me to post the pictures. But I am generally satisfied. The trees grow well, although there will be some yellow leaves sometimes, you do not have to worry about that. A couple of trees could die, you can easily replace them latter.

1。我买树的那家farm, 是母女两人经营的,感觉老太太和她女儿人都很好,很诚实的那种人。树是当天早上才从地里挖出来的,非常鲜活,大概还多给了我们几颗。

2。bulaoniu 说得极对,要是经济允许的话,想种cedar hedges 的朋友还是请人来种吧。挖坑刨土的活很累,昨天我先生挖了整整一天(我看到bulaoniu的贴子的时候已经太晚了,已经动手在自己挖坑了),而且我家后园还只是有两条边要种,另一条边是和邻居share木头fence.而且幸好有好心的邻居来帮忙挖,不然一整天都挖不完,今天挖坑的两个人都叫浑身酸痛。




最初由 家庭妇女 发布
call Rae at 1-888-672-9252, but I haven't seen the trees yet so I don't know what their tree conditions would be...I'll give you guys an update after tomorrow's delivery.

Thank you for sharing. We bought 5 feet tall cedars from them too. Trees are in very good condition. I also post information of planting cedar hedges for somebody who wants to know.

1. dig a trench about 40-50cm and 50-60 wide.
2. Put the peat moss about 5cm thick and water through every piece.
3. add bone meal mix and compost with soil and cover 5cm top soil.
4. plant the trees and refill the half of soil.
5. water trees and refill soil again
6. water again. It is better to mulch them.
这就是我们种的cedar hedges,没有最后完成。种完后浇transplant fertilizer,最好剪掉顶端的7-8cm让枝条长得多。
最初由 lilyofvalley2 发布
这就是我们种的cedar hedges,没有最后完成。种完后浇transplant fertilizer,最好剪掉顶端的7-8cm让枝条长得多。
