精华 [请求]种过cedar hedges(树篱笆)的朋友请进来

最初由 Trusted 发布


最初由 lilyofvalley2 发布

Thank you for sharing. We bought 5 feet tall cedars from them too. Trees are in very good condition. I also post information of planting cedar hedges for somebody who wants to know.

1. dig a trench about 40-50cm and 50-60 wide.
2. Put the peat moss about 5cm thick and water through every piece.
3. add bone meal mix and compost with soil and cover 5cm top soil.
4. plant the trees and refill the half of soil.
5. water trees and refill soil again
6. water again. It is better to mulch them.

Thanks for the picture and the trees look really nice. Since I bought 3 feet trees, I'm just wondering if I should cut 7-8cm or just 3-4cm on the top? Another questions is how often should I water the trees? I've already seen some leaves turned yellow now.
最初由 家庭妇女 发布

Thanks for the picture and the trees look really nice. Since I bought 3 feet trees, I'm just wondering if I should cut 7-8cm or just 3-4cm on the top? Another questions is how often should I water the trees? I've already seen some leaves turned yellow now.

The weather is really hot now. You’d better water them every day if there is no rain. You can’t let them dry out in the first year. They will tolerate the dry weather after 2-3 years. Since you just planted them, I suggest you cut the top a little after they settle (might 2 weeks or more). I think 3-4cm is OK although they told me cut 1/3 of new growing. You might want to fertilize them after settling. They also said fertilizing cedars every two-week by using “Miracle”. Since I will use organic fertilizer, I will try less amount the first to see. Mulch will help keeping more moisture.
Thanks. My trees already have some yellow leaves, how about yours? I thought maybe it's because we planted the tree too late (I was told the best time is spring or fall).
最初由 家庭妇女 发布
Thanks. My trees already have some yellow leaves, how about yours? I thought maybe it's because we planted the tree too late (I was told the best time is spring or fall).

最初由 家庭妇女 发布



缓过劲儿来了吗? We are waiting for your picture!

Actually, I am also trying to plant the trees in my back yard.

Could you give me some information and advice?

Hi, 家庭妇女, how is your cedar hedge doing this year?
I was planning to grow hedges too. I want to know if I need to split the cost w/ my backyard neighbor. And how often I need to trim them?
any recent pictures?
I have cedars in my backyard too. Mine are trees called emeralds, the ones you guys talked about are wild cedars. The wild cedars are have less green foliages as compare to the trees, they also thinner. If you buy the three-feet tall wild cedars, it'll take a while to grow in order to provide privacy for your yard. They start out thin, then grow into each other to form hedges. How fast the cedars grow depending on the type of cedars you have. But on average, it's about 1 foot per year. When you plant the cedars, you need to dig a trench, then put some rich soil in such as triple mix, it is for the cedar to establish a good root system. You can use the soker hose to water the trees, remember, they Love water, especially the first couple weeks after you planted them. Mulch is also recommended to keep the moisture in.