I have cedars in my backyard too. Mine are trees called emeralds, the ones you guys talked about are wild cedars. The wild cedars are have less green foliages as compare to the trees, they also thinner. If you buy the three-feet tall wild cedars, it'll take a while to grow in order to provide privacy for your yard. They start out thin, then grow into each other to form hedges. How fast the cedars grow depending on the type of cedars you have. But on average, it's about 1 foot per year. When you plant the cedars, you need to dig a trench, then put some rich soil in such as triple mix, it is for the cedar to establish a good root system. You can use the soker hose to water the trees, remember, they Love water, especially the first couple weeks after you planted them. Mulch is also recommended to keep the moisture in.