Happy Summer聚会内容提要

哇 , 我 的 报 名 贴 才 登 出 来 两 天 就 有 这 么 多 朋 友 准 备 参 加 了 。 。 。 :p 看 来 妈 妈 论 坛 真 是 越 来 越 热 闹 了 ! !

Let us have FUN in July's summer sun... u-hooo!!
:bounce: :banana: :banana: :jiayou: :jiayou: :buttrock: :buttrock: :smokin: :smokin: :hippie: :kiss2:
这里好热闹.我们也报名,2个大人和一个小孩. 食物待定.
Sign Up

Hey, Moms :

This is my first time to sign in, for 2 adults and my 18 months old son. We will decide what to bring later on.

Do I need to do anything else ?
Count us in

12 people: 4 kids (1 July birthday boy)
8 adults ( 1 July adult)
food TBD
Re: Sign Up

最初由 ocean_deep 发布
Hey, Moms :

This is my first time to sign in, for 2 adults and my 18 months old son. We will decide what to bring later on.

Do I need to do anything else ?

Welcome new member.

Every family needs preparing gabage bag.Thanks.
最初由 -批发水产品- 发布
2 adults and a baby, she is a July baby.
i will take noodle and shrimp

could you please give us a nice name for your dish?
SeanMama, can the park handle so many pepl? do we need to inform the park officials about our big group of people?
Large Quantity of Food

Due to the amount of people, please bring bigger portion with the food you plan to prepare!! Thanks.
最初由 Victoria 发布
SeanMama, can the park handle so many pepl? do we need to inform the park officials about our big group of people?

OK, I will contact them.