This is so BS, on my way home i heard something rattling then I heard something fall off. I got to get it in the shop and see what it is, but I think its something on my struts of something near it cause last time I heard a big bang as I was driving sounded like something exploited.
Anyhow I got to go and check it out, just mad pissed.
今天的雪真大,bumper又被刮掉了.现在已然很低了,再降1英寸的话来年冬天可怎么过啊?还有最近刚换了17寸轮箍,感觉比以前那个16寸的开起来车变颠了很多,再换了spring的话估计跟拖拉机差不多了。现在对dc5越来越不满意了,加速慢,车身轻,ff,na,only thing good is cheap in gas.而且对现在这套bodykit不满意,正在考虑是换intake&cat-back system first or body kit first? or change to another car...?
Wow, lol, don't give up on the rsx, its fast enough. get your intake, exhaust, pulleys, short shifter, ecu tuning.....etc, you will love working on it. Race me and you will see how fast you car is, you will love it.