[交流] 玩儿车的请进。。。关于改装的问题(附图)


heyhey, i seen ur car around a bit, u use to go to ESSO on bank and heron to get gas right? lol

by the look from the side view, looks like a sportline should get u the same look as the one from autoimportcraze, they used a coilover so its easy for them to set. But I think sportlines should get u low enough.
经常在BANK一带见到楼主的车,挺好看的。是TYPE S吗?手档还是自动的,有没有改过什么PERFORMANCE的部件?
你的车现在已经很低了。个人感觉换悬挂的钱还不如换套17"的轮子呢。视觉效果好很多,操作也会好一些,而且避免了降悬挂后变成碰碰车和铲雪车的麻烦。前bodykit被speed bump磕掉很郁闷的。
对阿,我常去bank 和 heron 交口的 ESSO 加油,好像我还见过你那辆蓝色捷达(对轮毂比较有印象)。但是总是着急加油,没仔细看人。。。。。。不好意思了。
lol, i will make sure I say hi next time I see you. i changed the rims cause my other tires were ready to be changed and it cost $289 per tire so i might as wheel ordered rims and tires for $1200, lol
you know you could always get coilovers, lol, so in the winter can rise it up and summer can slam it down, cost just a little more than struts and spring, but worth it
Body Kit, sticker和更多仪表是不会让你的车跑得的更快的。

省钱直接Turbo/supercharger + intercooler = win


FF 改装有什么意思?马力多大还是前驱,还是头重,还是有弯道问题。大马力加速车会往右窜(除非你装LSD)

建议如果真的想改的话考虑如何增加你的车的torque. RSX的torque太差了
最初由 月下独酌 发布
Body Kit, sticker和更多仪表是不会让你的车跑得的更快的。

省钱直接Turbo/supercharger + intercooler = win


FF 改装有什么意思?马力多大还是前驱,还是头重,还是有弯道问题。大马力加速车会往右窜(除非你装LSD)

建议如果真的想改的话考虑如何增加你的车的torque. RSX的torque太差了

Do you really want to drive a really really fast 1847 dodge neon? That car look slick, and really, why put money into a turbo if his not going to use it everyday?

Doing the car is suppose to up to the person to know what he/she wants to do with it, not everyone wants to race.

If you think that car is a ricer then something has to be wrong with you, just because he can afford a body kit to make his car look good and you can hate on others doesn't mean u are not a ricer. Watch your mouth next time before coming in here and comment on other people's work. And don't try to come in with a expensive car your daddy just happens to buy for you.

enough said, move on son
其实我改车只是为了乐趣,每当亲手为爱车多加一个零件时的那种满足于兴奋是很难被理解的。ff跟fr对我来说更偏向于ff一些,毕竟是生活在渥太华(半年都在下雪的地方)ff驾驶稳定一些。夏天的话,rsx倒也不算慢,0-100 km/h 要6.9s,起码去年夏天没有输给过同级车 。我曾想过加super charge/turbo ,但是不太现实,只是为了夏天快1,2秒,增加那么多花销不值当,光油钱就得加倍。毕竟这部车只是交通工具,而不是见谁杀谁的赛车。
save all the money you plan to spend on motification to buy a bmw or wrx something.
最初由 kevio180 发布

Do you really want to drive a really really fast 1847 dodge neon? That car look slick, and really, why put money into a turbo if his not going to use it everyday?

Doing the car is suppose to up to the person to know what he/she wants to do with it, not everyone wants to race.

If you think that car is a ricer then something has to be wrong with you, just because he can afford a body kit to make his car look good and you can hate on others doesn't mean u are not a ricer. Watch your mouth next time before coming in here and comment on other people's work. And don't try to come in with a expensive car your daddy just happens to buy for you.

enough said, move on son

楼主说想race,想要speed, 怎么改,我说,不要以为body kit+wing+sticker就可以了,这有什么错么,我跟你说话了么?

Ricer的定义就是all for show, none for performance, 你要是真的喜欢rice请你继续,我没有说 “你”不可以。
