I am happy to see the warm reponses, but please do not assume that I am an inferior person. Actually I just too confident to my skills and just ignored the immigration limits. When the year is good, I jumped a couple of companies and in year 2001 I thought it is time to keep with a big boat. Every jump I have to wait, and now what I heard is 4~6 months you have to wait for the transfer. Even in this company, the reason for layoff is not the technical side. The big company politics. I were doing technical design in the team and was titled as principle engineer. But hard working can not prevent you become a victim in politics. All my peers under the same manager are whites and project managers. When the layoff starts, I thought I am fine, since I am the only engineer to oversee the project, wrote all technical document while other 4 people just working with project scheduels and most people got laid off today are project managers. The company is located midwest and the only biggest employer in the city. It is difficult to hire people because they have to pay big relocation. On the other side, it is hard to find a job here so guys will try their best to stay in the job even they contributed much less and could be got rid of.
I have two options. The first, finding a job in US, which i am sure that i can, but not the location I can pick. I have to wait again and likely, small companies. But in US, small companies always have problems here and there you have to worry for the company survival. If I could settle in Canada, my wife can unite with me. I made too many mistakes in the back years, so your comments are really appreciated.