depends on your supervisor if you wnat to apply for any type of scholarship. I wasn't given any although my gpa is always No.1 in the department. My super has very bad relationship with the committee. Everyone from his lab was treated unfairly. I was only given 2 terms of TA during my two years of master. All my income is the $12000 RA given by my supervisor but I have to work 4 days a week in a start up company to earn that. So when I guraduated, I ended up owing OSAP $30000. Be sure you find a powerful supervisor or your life will be difficult.
Maybe things improved in these years. you know everything was much more diifficult back in 2001. No funding, a lot of companies went bankrupcy and too many people get laid off and squeezed in the university. There were never so many graduate students and so few undergraduates. In my department (ECE), every year, there are about 5 student to get OGS and no studnet with NSERC. The average income fro master/ph.d studnets is around $15000--$20000. Usually master student does not get TA or just 1 TA per year.
Good luck.