精华 懒人养草书


There is new Weed killer which is legal for Ontario.
Scotts® EcoSense™ Weed B Gon® Selective Weed Control

Another way I tested for two years and worked great is using
Round up, It is still legal in Ontario.
But you don't Spray it. You would buy a small paint brush, and dip it in Round up and brush it on the leaf of the weed. Only one or two leafs need to be brushed. It would kill weed in three days.

The most important thing for weed control is mowing the lawn often. Don't let weed go flowers, especially go seeds. Mow them before that. Weeds don't take mowing very well, you would get rid off majority of weeds by mowing alone.

Spring is here. I found few friends are looking for this post. I am glad if it is usefully.

I found home depot is selling scotts patchmaster. It is about 20 dollar per bag. I saw similar thing used by professional to start a new lawn. It is mixed with mulch to hold water for seeds. The success rate should be higher than grass seeds alone. I would try it this year. I would report to you if it is good.

2007 年
养草地本来不是中国人的传统, 但入乡随俗还是学一下的好. 难看的草地不但会减低你自己房子的价值,还会降低整个社区的房价. City bylaw也不允许,你的邻居可以到city告发你.强制你管起来. 杂草太多重铺一遍弄不好要上千.
其实养一块过的去的草地很容易,不必很多精力和金钱. 我说点偷懒的经验给大家听. 只当抛砖引玉.

“scotts sun and shade mix grass seed” 一包 $15
“Scotts wintercare fertilizer “ 一包 $15
“Killex Liquid Herbicide 2L “ $13
草皮(sod) 一卷 $3

以上东西Canadian tire , Home depot, Walmart 都有.

1) 每年5月15左右注意天气预报.要是有连几天下雨,就赶在下雨前把1/3包的肥料撒出去. 要是有书本大的死草就翻了拿草皮补上. 有些树荫下总长不好的地方撒一把草子. 然后等老天替你浇水.
2) 割草按高度. 用mulch no bagging . 把手插到草里,要是草到掌根就开割,割完草到手指高. 7月8月不割草.
3)除去撒了草籽, 老天不帮忙要浇水外.靠天吃饭不浇水. 特别是7 8 月你要么天天浇.要么不浇让草发黄休眠.
4)9月1日再撒1/3 包肥料出去,然后再等下雨天. 在十一之前找草稀的地方把草籽撒上.
5) 10月15 把剩下的肥料全撒出去. 一年事就差不多完了.
6) 每周拿上Killex上yard走一下.特别是5月和9月. 见杂草就对着喷一下.一星期会死.

Winter fertilizer 和Summer fertilizer 相比钾肥的含量高些.可提高耐寒耐旱能力全年可用. 买一包就够了. 分开买两包都用不完.
lawn is different from agriculture land. We never take things away from it. Chemical fertilizer are being used on lawns for many years in Canada without problem. Only parts of lawn with high traffic will become compressed. "我春天用那种叉子给草地打洞" will help provent that. Usually there is enough earth worm in lawn to loose it up. Leave grass clipping on the lawn provides food for earth worm,when they go to the surface to get it they 打洞 for us.
最初由 Timothy's 发布
国人同胞在加国有一个不好的名声就是不管门前的草地.本来不以为然, 最近观测了一下发现也不完全是胡说的. 社区里不少杂草丛生很少修剪的Front yard有不少是国人的. 居然还有人只割back yard 不割front yard.
养草地本来不是中国人的传统, 但入乡随俗还是学一下的好. 难看的草地不但会减低你自己房子的价值,还会降低整个社区的房价. City bylaw也不允许,你的邻居可以到city告发你.强制你管起来. 杂草太多重铺一遍弄不好要上千.
其实养一块过的去的草地很容易,不必很多精力和金钱. 我说点偷懒的经验给大家听. 只当抛砖引玉.

“scotts sun and shade mix grass seed” 一包 $15
“Scotts wintercare fertilizer “ 一包 $15
“Killex Liquid Herbicide 2L “ $13
草皮(sod) 一卷 $3

以上东西Canadian tire , Home depot, Walmart 都有.

1) 每年5月15左右注意天气预报.要是有连几天下雨,就赶在下雨前把1/3包的肥料撒出去. 要是有书本大的死草就翻了拿草皮补上. 有些树荫下总长不好的地方撒一把草子. 然后等老天替你浇水.
2) 割草按高度. 用mulch no bagging . 把手插到草里,要是草到掌根就开割,割完草到手指高. 7月8月不割草.
3)除去撒了草籽, 老天不帮忙要浇水外.靠天吃饭不浇水. 特别是7 8 月你要么天天浇.要么不浇让草发黄休眠.
4)9月1日再撒1/3 包肥料出去,然后再等下雨天. 在十一之前找草稀的地方把草籽撒上.
5) 10月15 把剩下的肥料全撒出去. 一年事就差不多完了.
6) 每周拿上Killex上yard走一下.特别是5月和9月. 见杂草就对着喷一下.一星期会死.

Winter fertilizer 和Summer fertilizer 相比钾肥的含量高些.可提高耐寒耐旱能力全年可用. 买一包就够了. 分开买两包都用不完.

1) 光撒草籽等老天浇水,如果连续1个星期不下雨,草籽不活吧
Re: Re: 懒人养草书

最初由 Rabbit 发布

1) 光撒草籽等老天浇水,如果连续1个星期不下雨,草籽不活吧

1)我好象说"除去撒了草籽, 老天不帮忙要浇水外"
2)我好象说"5月15, 9月1日,10月15 各撒1/3包肥料" 没说 7. 8 月撒过FERTILIZER.
3)The grass in ottawa is cool weather one. They go dormant when soil temperature above 22C. They turn brown and almost stop growing. So you don't need to mow them and should keep them high as long as still looks neat.High grass shades the soil and roots from heat. When temperature goes down and rain comes back they wake up and turn green in 7 to 10 days. The average rain fall in July and August for Ottawa is about 85MM. It is enough for grass to survive through. Nobody water grass at school yard, public park, they still alive after summer. If you water them , you wake them up from dormant.You have to keep water them . You stop , grass go dormant again. It is bad to switch them back and forth, make them weak.

My objective is to use minimum effort and money to keep a average lawn. Show piece lawn needs far more time and money.
最初由 Timothy's 发布
1) 每年5月15左右注意天气预报.要是有连几天下雨,就赶在下雨前把1/3包的肥料撒出去. 要是有书本大的死草就翻了拿草皮补上. 有些树荫下总长不好的地方撒一把草子. 然后等老天替你浇水.
2) 割草按高度. 用mulch no bagging . 把手插到草里,要是草到掌根就开割,割完草到手指高. 7月8月不割草.


1) 已经六月了,不知道第一个1/3是不是太晚了?
2) 以前试过 mulch no bagging,但割下来的草枯黄后板结成一层枯草层,覆盖了泥土,新撒的种子再也碰不到泥土了,这个该怎么办呢?(割下来的草怎样才会变成土呢?)
Re: Re: Re: 懒人养草书

最初由 Timothy's 发布

1)我好象说"除去撒了草籽, 老天不帮忙要浇水外"
2)我好象说"5月15, 9月1日,10月15 各撒1/3包肥料" 没说 7. 8 月撒过FERTILIZER.
3)The grass in ottawa is cool weather one. They go dormant when soil temperature above 22C. They turn brown and almost stop growing. So you don't need to mow them and should keep them high as long as still looks neat.High grass shades the soil and roots from heat. When temperature goes down and rain comes back they wake up and turn green in 7 to 10 days. The average rain fall in July and August for Ottawa is about 85MM. It is enough for grass to survive through. Nobody water grass at school yard, public park, they still alive after summer. If you water them , you wake them up from dormant.You have to keep water them . You stop , grass go dormant again. It is bad to switch them back and forth, make them weak.

My objective is to use minimum effort and money to keep a average lawn. Show piece lawn needs far more time and money.

Re: Re: 懒人养草书

最初由 EndlessMussels 发布


1) 已经六月了,不知道第一个1/3是不是太晚了?
2) 以前试过 mulch no bagging,但割下来的草枯黄后板结成一层枯草层,覆盖了泥土,新撒的种子再也碰不到泥土了,这个该怎么办呢?(割下来的草怎样才会变成土呢?)

Yes, you still can.
Two things.
1)Check you lawn mower's blade. If it is a straight line, the blade is not for mulching. This kind of blade does not chop grass to small piece. You can buy mulching blade at Canadian tire. Mulching blade kind of has twist in it. It will chop grass to small pieces for easy composting.The grass cliping should disappear in two weeks.
2)You may wait too long to mower the lawn. The grass is too high.
Ideally you should only remove 1/3 grass a time. I am lazy, I cut it in half. It is ok from my experience.
Re: Re: Re: Re: 懒人养草书

最初由 Rabbit 发布


I don't like it too. But I may go vacation for two weeks, I can't ask my friend just to water my lawn. And the water bill up 100% also don't make me happy.
City don't water their part of lawn. Many of my neighbour don't. As long as I am at average. I am ok with it.
Hi Tim,

Thanks so much for your info !

Some questions for you :

1a, " 要是有书本大的死草就翻了拿草皮补上", do I still need to put lawn seed on it and water it every day ??

1b, "有些树荫下总长不好的地方撒一把草子. 然后等老天替你浇水" Is this also can apply to any lawn which is already dying ?

4, " 9月1日再撒1/3 包肥料出去,然后再等下雨天. 在十一之前找草稀的地方把草籽撒上." If there is no rain, that means I have to water it, right ? How much & often I need to water thes fertilizer ?

6, " 每周拿上Killex上yard走一下.特别是5月和9月. 见杂草就对着喷一下.一星期会死." Do I need directly spray it towards the roots or just any part of weed ??

Thanks a lot for your help !!
1)No you don't need put lawn seed on the spot you replacing sod. At first week if it is no good rain, you have to water it everyday. May is the time for spring sod.As late Septembers. It is not too hot yet warm enough. And in Ottawa usually there would be a week with good rain. It gives grass good time to establish before summer or winter.
2)I prefer to replace larger pieces of dying grass with sod and only using seed for thin spots to thick it up. This way has better successful rate than seeding alone.
3)You don't need to water fertilizer. The fertilizers we get in bag usually are slow release fertilizers, they slowly release over two months every time it rains.
4) Spray Killex to leafs not the roots.
有用. 谢谢楼主. :cool:
fertilizer spreader

Found many people hand spread fertilizer. It is not even, so some time one part of grass is green and grow heigher than other parts. It does not looks good.
Suggest use a

Scotts® Handy Green II® Hand-Held Spreader. It is small and cheap (about $13 dollar). you can used it spread grass seeds, fertilizer and ice salt.For 1/3 bag of fertilizer ,you only need to refill it twice.